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All Infernal Iron locations in Baldur’s Gate 3

The cast of characters you meet and interact with in Baldur’s Gate 3 are some of the highlights of the entire experience. Odds are most, if not all, will intrigue you in some way, encouraging you to learn more about them and to help them with their personal goals. Like plenty of RPGs, your companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 all have unique companion quests that are unique to them that unlock at different stages of your adventure and relationship with them. Each one asks something different of you, with Karalach being one of the most unique and difficult. Karlach is in desperate need of a very rare resource and asks you to collect something called Infernal Iron. If you’re at a loss for where to find it, here are the places to look.

Where to find Infernal Iron

A treasure chest with infernal iron inside.
Larian Studios

There are three known pieces of Infernal Iron in the early game.

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The first, you can find in the Blighted Village by entering the basement of the northern house. You can enter by somehow opening the locked door or getting in through the ceiling. This is also where you pick up the Masterwork Weapon quest. From the room with the forge, climb the ladder and interact with the locked chest. You, or a companion, will need to pick it to open it up and loot the Infernal Iron.

Our second piece is the Goblin Camp. Make your way to the Shattered Sanctum to the north behind Dror Ragzlin’s throne. There’s another locked door here you’ll need to bypass to enter the treasure room littered with valuables, including one piece of Infernal Iron.

The last piece of Infernal Iron we know of is the hardest to get to. The difficult part is just getting where you need to be, which is the Zhentarim Hideout. This is north of the Blighted Village up Risen Road where you come across a place called Waukeen’s Rest. The house will be on fire the first time you arrive, but instead of helping the soldiers, go through the alleyway to locate a house with some crates blocking the door. Get the crates out of the way and head inside to meet Salazon, who isn’t too happy to see you. You need to use Detect Thoughts to read his mind and get the password to avoid a fight and collect a key to the basement. Go down and use the key to unlock the hidden staircase finally leading you into Zhentarim Hideout.

On the north end of the hideout are two locked doors, but the one you need to break into is the one on the right. Behind it is a chest with the Infernal Iron.

Once you reach Act 3, Infernal Iron becomes a more common drop from the Iron Watcher enemies.

You can spend Infernal Iron with Dammon to repair Karlach’s heart as part of her quest, but only once per act.

Jesse Lennox
Jesse Lennox has been a writer at Digital Trends for over four years and has no plans of stopping. He covers all things…
Baldur’s Gate 3 is getting a game-changing update later this year
A character speaks in Baldur's Gate 3

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All Medallion locations in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 3
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A new season of Fortnite means a new cast of bosses with unique items to obtain. This season, your reward for besting the new Mad Max-inspired bosses is Medallions. These items, which first appeared in Season 1, grant your character some of the best buffs in the game. Unlike previous seasons, this time there are only three new bosses, and thus three Medallions to find and equip during a match. The only way to get them is to locate the bosses and manage to take them down. We can't help you in the fight itself, but can at least show you where to go and what each Medallion does.
All Medallion locations

The three bosses this season are Ringmaster Scarr, The Machinist, and Megalo Don. Each one appears in a different POI on the map and drops a unique Medallion.
Ringmaster Scarr
Scarr is found in the Nitrodome near the center of the map toward the south. She drops the Ringmaster's Medallion, which grants you unlimited ammo and a minor damage boost.
The Mechanist
Down near the south coast and slightly east is the Redline Rig POI, which is The Mechanist's lair. His Medallion will allow your shield to regenerate over time.
Megalo Don
The big bad of the season, and the most difficult boss of the trio, is Megalo Don. You can find him in the Brutal Beachhed POI, which is the giant ship beached far to the south and west of Redline Rig. If you manage to take this boss down you can get his Medallion, which gives your character, and by extension your vehicle, infinite Nitro.

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All Baobab Tree locations in Tales of Kenzera
Zau fights a dragon in Tales of Kenzera: Zau.

While it wasn't marketed as being a particularly punishing game, Tales of Kenzera: Zau is by no means easy. You will have plenty of environmental challenges that can instantly sap your life, and the enemies you face -- especially the bosses -- are no slouches. When you first begin, it will only take a couple of bad hits to send Zau to the land of the dead himself. Alongside the Trinkets you can unlock through hidden challenges around the map, there are also Baobab Trees where Zau can stop to reflect on his journey thus far, have a short dialogue with Kalunga, and get a small addition to his health bar. Like everything in the game, these trees aren't prohibitively hidden, but you could easily pass one by and have no idea where it was when trying to backtrack. These are all the Baobab Tree locations so you can max out your health bar.
All Baobab Tree locations
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This one is very hard to miss as it is directly on your critical path. If you do, you can fast travel to the nearby campfire to grab it.
The Great Cliffs

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