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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom doubles down on breakable weapons — and I’m thrilled

After years of barely knowing anything about it, Nintendo has finally blown the lid off of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The company dropped a 10-minute deep dive into the open-world game today that focuses on some of its new features. The list includes a Recall ability that rewinds time and an Ascend skill that teleports Link through ceilings.

The talk of the town, though, is the new Fuse system, which doubles down on Breath of the Wild‘s most controversial system. The gameplay clip confirms that weapons can once again break in the sequel, as Link quickly smashes a stick by smacking it against an enemy a few times. In classic infomercial fashion, though, series producer Eiji Aonuma picks up another stick and seamlessly fuses it with a rock to create a more durable hammer.

Yes, it can still break — and that’s the point. With Tears of the Kingdom, Nintendo is better spelling out its design decision behind weapon degradation. And it’s doing that with an inventive new gameplay hook that could once again revolutionize the open-world genre.

Don’t get comfortable

Ever since The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild launched in 2017, its item-breaking system has been a primary point of debate for fans. While some enjoy the idea, others have long prayed that it was a rough edge that would be smoothed over in a sequel. With the new peek at Tears of the Kingdom gameplay, Nintendo is making it clear that weapon durability has been a feature –not a bug — all along.

If I had to sum up Breath of the Wild‘s core design philosophy in one word, that would be “experimentation.” What’s so refreshing about it is that it treats its open world like a true sandbox that players can goof around in rather than a series of pretty landscapes to traverse between story beats. To this day, I still see videos of players discovering new tricks in the game that I never thought were possible. Even newer games that draw inspiration from it can’t claim the same.

Link rides a vehicle he constructed in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Its combat system is a major part of that. Sure, you can go through the entire thing slashing enemies like a regular Zelda game, but you’d only be getting a surface view of what’s capable in it. For instance, you can kill an enemy by freezing it with an ice rod and then blowing it off a cliff with a gust of wind from a leaf. A lot of the joy comes from discovering interactions like that and seeing how far the system stretches. Breath of the Wild gets better the more players break out of their comfort zone and toss their usual instincts to the side. The goal isn’t to find the strongest sword.

For some, that philosophy has always been a tough pill to swallow. After all, it flies in the face of the entire series and challenges the modern idea of character “builds.” As much as I understand and appreciate what Nintendo is going for, the criticisms aren’t entirely unearned. For a game to hinge on player curiosity, it needs to do a good job at encouraging it. Breath of the Wild certainly gets part of that right by breaking Link’s toys after a while, but many of its most revelatory discoveries don’t come naturally. I wouldn’t realize how I could goof around with even the smallest branch until watching YouTube compilations of the game. Players who can’t stand the weapon breaking might not realize how much they can actually do with any old tool.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it lay out all its metal weapons to create an electrical current and skip over a dungeon puzzle.

Link fights a Construct with a fused weapon in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

That’s why Tears of the Kingdom‘s Fuse ability has me thrilled. In the demo, we see Link attaching an eyeball onto an arrow to create a homing shot. Later, he tacks a mushroom onto a shield, which creates a puff of smoke he can hide in when an enemy hits it. It’s a seemingly easy system for experimentation that only asks players to try combining two items. That’s far more streamlined than Breath of the Wild‘s hypothesis-driven gameplay where players would be left to think of ideas and test them out without guidance. It’s a smart way to gamify curiosity, even for players who don’t always know how to get creative.

With that system in place, weapon degradation already feels much better on paper. Anytime a weapon breaks, it’ll open an opportunity for players to quickly cobble together a new tool and see what happens. As long as the possibilities don’t feel limited, I can already imagine that I’ll be eager to try something new every chance I get. It’s a potentially revolutionary concept that could influence how developers think about combat in open-world games. Don’t drop me in a sandbox without giving me enough tools to build a castle.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom launches on May 12 for Nintendo Switch.

Giovanni Colantonio
Giovanni is a writer and video producer focusing on happenings in the video game industry. He has contributed stories to…
The best games of 2023 so far: Tears of the Kingdom, Resident Evil 4, and more
Link holding the master sword in the clouds.

If 2023 were to end today, it would still be remembered as a historic year for video games. That’s how good it’s been.

After a few mixed years filled with COVID-induced delays, the first half of 2023 has given players a non-stop avalanche of hits, keeping their backlogs eternally filled. We’ve gotten major entries in beloved franchises like Zelda and Final Fantasy, seen some bar-raising remakes for some of gaming’s best horror games, and been treated to some truly original projects from both indie developers and larger studios given a freedom we rarely see nowadays. And it’s only been six months.

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If you like Tears of the Kingdom’s vehicle building, check out this awesome indie
A rover lifts a pipe in Mars First Logistics

Although The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a massive open-world action-adventure game, some players have spent most of their time pushing the limits of its Ultrahand mechanic. The system lets players create contraptions with most of the items or pieces of wood and stone that they find on their journey. The most skilled players have built things like mechs, but anyone can still have a ton of fun using Ultrahand to torture Koroks or solve puzzles in unique, unintended ways. If building vehicles and other weird creations with Ultrahand is your favorite part of Tears of the Kingdom, then there's a new indie game hitting early access this week that you will probably enjoy: Mars First Logistics.

Instead of being just one system in the game, building vehicles is the main hook of this game from developer Shape Shop, which was released into early access on Steam today. It forces players into an engineering mindset like Tears of the Kingdom does, as they must design and then use rovers to ship items across the surface of Mars. If you enjoy games that put an emphasis on player creativity, then Mars First Logistics needs to be the next indie game that you check out.
Emboldening creativity
Mars First Logistics is all about building rovers to transport cargo across the colorful surface of Mars, and it wastes almost no time in getting players into the action. There are some blueprints for things like the basic rover, watering can lifter, and crate carrier, but Mars First Logistics is almost completely hands-off outside of the contracts that tell players where to pick an object up and where to drop that cargo off. Players are free to design and attach parts on their rover to each other as they see fit.
While the process of determining what kind of vehicle build is best for a mission is more similar to Tears of the Kingdom, actually putting the rover together works more like vehicle customization in Lego 2K Drive. That works for the best, though, as this Lego-like setup really allows players to have complete control over customizing, painting, and setting up the controls for every single part of their rover. I stayed fairly safe in what I built, only using the basic blueprints or slight variations that did things such as making a mechanical arm tilt in order to solve certain delivery challenges. Still, the creative way I found to do things, like knocking a box off a ledge or tilting a steel beam up into the exact position I needed to finish a delivery, made each mission feel wholly unique to my experience.

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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is almost perfect, but it could use these tweaks
Link looking shocked holding rice.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a monumental game. It unleashes player creativity with Ultrahand and Fuse, features three vast open worlds for players to explore, and still tells a rich and enthralling story that expands the mythology of The Legend of Zelda series. Still, no game is perfect. While Tears of the Kingdom will likely go down as my game of the year for 2023 and potentially one of my favorite games ever, there are still a few things that the game could do better.

And no, I’m not talking about removing weapon degradation. After spending hours upon hours with Tears of the Kingdom, some user experience quirks became more annoying and noticeable. None of them are game-breaking, but they are still areas where Nintendo can stand to improve as it updates and expand upon Tears of the Kingdom or potentially do another game in this style. Here's what I hope to see change to make this version of Zelda an even smoother and more seamless experience.
Make disconnecting Ultrahand creations easier
Ultrahand is a revelation for Tears of the Kingdom that allows players to create some really creative things and solve puzzles in any way their minds can imagine. That said, one aspect of its controls still baffles me: the only way to "Unstick" objects stuck to each other is by moving the right stick back and forth or shaking a Joy-Con remote. It's a bafflingly clunky way to do things for what is otherwise such a delicate and precise building system.

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