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best bike commuter gear 2015 39298644 l

The best biking gear of 2016

Every year sees a fresh lineup of commuter gear for cyclists. This year's notable additions? A smart bell, a smart speedometer, and a titanium folding lock.
clever shipping idea smartbike vanmoof

A Dutch bike maker came up with this ingenious idea to reduce shipping damage

clever shipping idea smartbike vanmoof

VanMoof’s ‘unstealable’ SmartBike comes with a surprising promise

interview spcarbon custom bike builder shawn powell

Meet the guy who ran away from Wall Street to build bikes

SPCARBON recently made a full carbon bike for Red Bull Racing Eyewear, and its president just launched Blueprint bikes offering beautiful planned builds.
bikes, brilliant bicycle co, single speed

Germany is building a 100-kilometer ‘Bicycle Autobahn’ exclusively for cyclists

The Bicycle Autobahn is currently under construction, and when it is completed it will stretch for 100 kilometers of exclusive cyclist access.
onwheel electric bike system kickstarter go e

This ingenious clip-on motor gives any bike an electric boost

Ford Info Cycle

Ford’s Info Cycle project equips bicycles with data-gathering sensors

The Ford Info Cycle project looks to collect data from bicycles that can be used to better understand urban transportation.
Rotwild GT S Inspired by AMG

Mercedes’ AMG GT S inspires new carbon-fiber mountain bike

The Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S sports car served as the inspiration for a new mountain bike from German company Rotwild.
volvos smart connected helmet keeps cyclists safe volvo cycling

Volvo’s smart connected helmet keeps cyclists safe

smart bicycle tech hood youll know vanhawks valour brick offce full

This high-tech bicycle has proximity sensors that detect cars in your blind spot

Tucked inside its sleek matte-black frame, the Vanhawks Valour sports an array of different sensor tech -- including ones that check your blind spot

Siva Cycle’s pedal-to-power generator leaves bikers no excuse for dead smartphones

Another reason to bike to work? You can charge your gadgets or extra battery packs while doing it with the Siva Cycle Atom.

Biking hipsters invent an airbag-inspired invisible helmet

Two industrial design students have created a smart, invisible helmet that only inflates to protect the wearer upon impact. Yep, kind of like an airbag.

Lamborghini bicycle has all of the flash of its four-wheeled namesake

This Lamborghini bicycle has the same carbon fiber construction and leather trim as the company's $393,000 Aventador, but it should be easier to park.
Peugeot Onyx Megatrike concept

Peugeot Onyx Megatrike and Onyx Concept bicycle: A trike and a bike inspired by a supercar

The Peugeot Onyx Megatrike and Concept bicycle were designed to complement Peugeot's Onyx hybrid supercar concept.

Pulse Urban Concept is an LED infused Tron-inspired road bicycle


Portland peddles: Oregon Manifest Constructor’s Design Challenge pictures


LiveRider iPhone bike computer: hands-on review