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slapstick fans will love this video showing darpa droids hitting the deck fallen bot

The robot apocalypse is a ways off: Watch DARPA droids bite the dust in this video

Robot Challenge Winner

A bot called Hubo secures South Korean team top prize in DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals

Team Vigir Robot Challenge

Disaster robots from around the world face off in Robotics Challenge final


This robot can make you a cup of coffee, and you can teach it new tricks

At Robot Learning Lab at Cornell University, researchers are developing a robot that can learn how to operate machines.
japanese department store humanoid robot hkg101038092 994818baff2bdae5389081248a07848f nbcnews ux 1160 900

Meet Aiko Chihira, the robotic humanoid who’s greeting shoppers in Japan

A department store in Tokyo, Japan has unveiled a humanoid receptionist featured to draw customers in.
google johnson and surgical robots da vinci system

Google is making robots that could one day assist with surgery

Google and Johnson & Johnson announced a partnership to produce robots capable of assisting surgeons in the operating room.
christmas comes early for uk amazon shoppers as glitch sees items priced at a penny facility

Amazon’s X Factor-for-robots wants precise packers, not melodic megastars

wonder workshops robots inspire kids to learn code dash and dot robot

Robots sent into schools to inspire students to code

Wonder Workshop has deployed robots into 150 US schools to inspire kids to learn to code. The Dash and Dot robots are controlled using Android and iOS apps.
riken robear by

Meet Robear, a Japanese robot nurse with the face of a bear

android co founder andy rubin to leave google company confirms

Android co-founder Andy Rubin to leave Google, Web giant confirms

dexmo exoskeleton glove lets feel virtual objects hand

Dexmo exoskeleton glove lets you ‘feel’ virtual objects with your hand

With the help of a cleverly-engineered braking mechanism, the Dexmo exoskeleton glove allows the wearer to feel resistance when then touch a virtual object
indianapolis airport rolls out roaming robot to help customers double

There’s a robot roaming the Indianapolis airport, and it wears a polo shirt

say hello ollie spheros smartphone controlled racer hits 14 mph sphero featured

Say hello to Ollie, Sphero’s smartphone-controlled racer that hits 14 MPH

Sphero, the maker of connected playthings, has come out with its newest smartphone-controlled toy, Ollie.
pepper working in hospital softbank bot

SoftBank to start selling Pepper the ’emotional’ robot in U.S.

harvard kilobots robot swarm kilobot

Harvard researchers have created a swarm of learning robots

A group at Harvard created a swarm of over 1000 small robots to replicate the efficiency of biological systems, hopefully without dooming humanity.
Robot olympics

Japan wants to see robots compete against each other in the 2020 Summer Olympics

South Korea has robot spectators at their baseball games? Cute. Japan wants to see robot athletes competing against each other at the 2020 Olympics.
asimo in europe

Honda’s newest Asimo robot can walk faster, hear you better, and knows sign language

bendy snake arm robot piques interest of multiple industries 2

UK set to take on US and Japan for bigger slice of robotics technology market

news reading robot shouldnt many newscasters fearing job kodomoroid android

Japan’s news-reading robot shouldn’t have too many newscasters fearing for their job

White House Maker Faire

Maker Faires aren’t just the future of tech – they’re the future of America

space stations robonaut takes delivery of legs robonaut2

Space station’s Robonaut takes delivery of legs

Awesome tech 041314

Awesome tech you can’t buy yet, for the week of April 13, 2014

Check out our roundup of the coolest crowdfunding projects and product announcements that hit the Web this week. You can't buy this stuff yet, but it sure is fun to gawk!
worlds first robot kangaroo created to inspire future engineers bionic by festo

World’s first ‘robot kangaroo’ created to inspire future engineers

as table tennis champ preps for robot showdown hobbyist demos own ping pong bot

As table tennis champ preps for robot showdown, hobbyist demos own Ping-Pong bot

‘By your command!’ As it turns out, we’re happy to obey robots

Drivers obey the robots because unlike humans, they can't be reasoned with, bribed or distracted. Run the light and you might get a ticket. Or arrested.
table tennis champ to take on ping pong playing robot

Man versus machine: Table tennis champ to take on Ping-Pong-playing robot

google and foxconn cosying up for robotics development schaft robot

Google and Foxconn team up for robotics development, report says

nasa squishable robot super ball bot

NASA’s squishable robot ideal for exploring Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

google and foxconn cosying up for robotics development schaft robot

Google robot wins Robotics Challenge Trials

Google acquires robotic experts Boston Dynamics

space stations robonaut takes delivery of legs robonaut2

NASA to equip Robonaut with (very long) legs in 2014 upgrade

titan arm james dyson award robotics

Superhuman low-cost robotic arm wins US students James Dyson Award

worlds biggest dinosaur takes first steps 94 million years digitally argentinosaurus

World’s biggest dinosaur takes first steps in 94 million years – digitally, that is

cygan 1950s robot fetches more than 27000 at uk auction

Eight-foot robot from 1950s fetches more than $27,000 at auction