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hurricane balloons from space

Swarms of robots may soon be deployed to the center of hurricanes

The balloons will report from inside active hurricanes, where they coordinate movements and beam back data about the environmental conditions within.
special olympics robotics championship so unified 1

First Special Olympics Robotics Championship takes place in Seattle

The first-ever Unified Robotics Championship sees students pit plastic against plastic in a sumo-style robot battle to push the competitor out of the ring.
glasgow airport robot gladys

An android is entertaining passengers at a Scottish airport

bathroom robotics toilet robot

The latest invention from the ‘queen of crappy robots’ is her most terrifying yet

MekaMon robots

MekaMon robots battle in augmented reality so you don’t have to clean up carnage

MekaMon robots, the product of startup Reach Robotics, use a combination of augmented reality and articulated figures to bring robot battles to life.
mit nylon muscle

MIT engineers made an innovative artificial muscle out of fishing line

Nylon-based artificial muscles may have application for things like robotics, biomedical devices, toys, and form-fitting clothing.
rubiks cube robot record infineon

Watch this robot solve a Rubik’s Cube in a fraction of a second

self healing thread epfl

Self-healing thread changes from firm to flexible with just a bit of voltage

The threads versatility make it a promising new component for a number of applications, including healthcare and robotics.
least educated in denial robots jobs 50108970  robot welding movement industrial automotive part factory

Robots are most likely to take the jobs of those who least expect it

In cruel irony, those most in jeopardy of losing their jobs to robots are in the greatest denial it will happen.
bci touch brain computer interface feat

In a technological first, paralyzed patient can feel touch through an artificial hand

Ten years after an accident left him paralyzed, Nathan Copeland can sense pressure applied to an artificial robotic hand.
facebook data center sweden hall

U.K. may form a special team to monitor and guide development of AI, robotics

The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee in the U.K. published a report requesting that the government form a team to monitor AI and robotics.
korea robotics investment 52036540  robotic arms in a car plant

South Korea is about to spend big money on making better robots

omron ping pong robot

Omron’s ping-pong robot is showing signs of improvement

kirobo mini

Toyota is going to sell a very small ‘buddy robot’ for $400

navy fish robot research fau eng 414 day2 fish01 60mb

U.S. Navy is sponsoring fish robot project to help develop underwater vehicles

Could studying the locomotion of fish be the key to developing more versatile underwater vehicles and robotics systems? The U.S. Navy certainly thinks so.
walmart invests 50 million new dada feat

Self-driving shopping carts may one day make their way to a Walmart near you

The U.S. Patent Office recently awarded giant retailer Walmart a patent outlining movable containers, detachable motors, and a circuit control system.
best robots ifa 2016 our 6 favorite from

Our 6 favorite robots from IFA 2016 will mow, vacuum, and even sketch for you

Robots lose a little bit more of their novelty every year -- but they haven't ceased to amaze us yet.
sex robots

'I will destroy all humans,' Audrey Hepburn-inspired robot tells its creator

A lifelike customer service robot inspired by Audrey Hepburn just said it would destroy all humans in an interview with CNBC.
space robotics challenge robonaut5 feat

One giant leap for robots: NASA opens Space Robotics Challenge registration

The first astronaut to step foot on Mars may be greeted by a robot. At least that’s NASA’s plan with its Space Robotics Challenge.
soft robot octopus d123350 2

Octopus-inspired ‘soft robots’ may be the future of robotics

"Soft robots" inspired by nature are far more flexible, adaptable and potentially durable than their more traditional rivals.
Kidney transplant waiting list dialysis surgery

Study: Robot surgeons as good as humans, despite what your doc might say

New researcher on robotic prostate surgery suggests that humans and machines are pretty much equal when it comes to surgery.
robotic artist paul robot drawing

A British artist spent 10 years teaching this robot how to draw, and it totally shows

London artist Patrick Tresset is using robotics for his artistic expression, creating a computational system that is "artistic, expressive, and obsessive."
cerebral palsy infant baby exoskeleton

Tiny exoskeleton helps babies avoid cerebral palsy, makes them look like Dr. Octopus

Infants at risk of cerebral palsy are getting a bit of support from a skateboard, robot, and machine-learning algorithm at the University of Oklahoma
bratwurst bot robot grill sausages 900x599

Robot grillmaster feeds and delights party of German bratwurst lovers

A robotic grillmaster selects, places, grills bratwurst and serves them on plates at a party in Germany.
demolition robot powerstation mg 0263

Robots demolish a site deemed too hazardous for workers

After four workers were tragically killed on a demolition site, robots were charged with carrying out the demolition work in their place.
cardinal drone home surveillance remote

There is now a flying surveillance drone for … your home

Cardinal Robotics has developed a new drone designed to keep an eye on your home both while you're inside and while you're away.
drone insect algorithm insectdrone

Looks like a drone, flies like a drone, sees the world like an insect

A Swiss physics student has developed an autonomous drone capable of flying around obstacles thanks to a vision algorithm that's modeled off insect eyes.

Not all jobs equally threatened by robotics in next decade — how about yours?

A McKinsey & Company report predicts change in most jobs due to automation during the next decade. In some cases the least skilled jobs may be safest.
dallas police department lethal robot shooting death v3

To end the Dallas shooting spree, police used a robot to kill for the first time

Dallas police killed a suspect from Thursday's attack with a robot-mounted explosive, marking the first time U.S. law enforcement has used robotics lethally.
Amazon HQ

A robot that sucks just won an Amazon technology competition

robocup 2016 robcup am 28 06 in leipzig

Robocup hopes robots can beat professional soccer players by 2050

The Messis, Ronaldos, and Neymars of the world may have competition from robots in a few years – at least that’s the goal of Robocup.
tend ai robotic 3d printing robot and printers 2

With ten 3D printers and a robotic attendant, this automated fab lab doesn't need any human help Has Created a Collaborative Robotics Startup That Can Multitask
boston dynamics unveils the spotmini dynamics2

Boston Dynamics serves up the stuff of nightmares with its ‘dancing’ SpotMini robot

Capable of inducing nightmares based solely on its dance moves, Boston Dynamics' SpotMini robot is the latest creation from the Massachusetts-based outfit.
walmart amazon warehouses delivery supercentre

Could Walmart replace shopping carts with robots?