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New Wi-Fi enhancements could double electronic battery life

transformers among us five robots with crazy new abilities paul the robot thumb

Transformers among us: Five robots with crazy new abilities

Scientists develop way to triple battery life in electronics

Video: Hypersonic rocketplane could fly 100 passengers at mach 4 with zero emissions


Young stars shoot ‘epic quantities’ of water into space, study shows

Scientists create world’s first completely biological laser gun

Scientists unveil 3D map of the universe, complete with 43,000 galaxies

Real-life Rocketeer flies over the Grand Canyon with a jet pack

SETI puts search for alien life on hold to search for dollars

Forget spark plugs, your next car may use lasers for ignition

Graphene sample

Graphine paper 10 times stronger than steel


Drinking alcohol improves the ability to learn and remember, study shows

Samsung teams with John Legend, donates $1 million worth of tech to schools

Earth eclipses the sun in this stunning image

Video: ‘4D’ tech captures the dimensions of your face in real time

Robot ‘quadrocopters’ play a real life game of Pong

Scientists show off a robot that can rebuild itself

‘Artificial leaf’ mimics photosynthesis, could power an entire house

Your next car will be made of pineapples and bananas

National Geographic's 'Up' Balloon House

Real-life flying ‘Up’ house goes airborne


NASA: Don’t believe the ‘alien life’ hype

Bacteria in Meteorites Aliens Journal of Cosmology

NASA scientist finds evidence of alien life

japanese scientists develop phone that feels like human skin thumb

Japanese scientists develop human-shaped phone that feels like real skin

There are 50 billion planets in the Milky Way galaxy


Behold, the world’s first anti-laser

Human Immunodeficiency Virus, 3D model

Best Science Pictures and Visualizations of 2010

Total global data storage in 2007 was roughly 316 billion gigabytes

NASA twin probes let us view the sun in 3D


Despite global tech growth, test results show U.S. students are terrible at science

caffeine and painkillers are the best way to cure a hangover say scientists zach galifianakis walking thumb

Caffeine and painkillers cure a hangover, say scientists

Forget the Hadron Collider, thunderstorms shoot bursts of antimatter into space every day

russian scientists plan to stop asteroids without ben affleck thumb

Russian Scientists Plan to Stop Asteroids Without Ben Affleck

Recession-Torn U.S. Sees a Computer Science Renaissance