Are you beginning to wonder if you might be a bit too plugged in, too dependent on your electronics? Are your friends, family, and co-workers sure of it as measured by their comments about your growing digital habit? Well, perhaps it’s time to think about going on a digital detox retreat, according to Fast Company.
Digital detox can have different looks. For example, you can check into The Spa at Mandarin Oriental in Las Vegas for a luxe weekend. Branding firm LPK has an unplugged day once a year when they let their customers know in advance they are giving up their smartphones and computers for the day.
However, if a day of being at work without electronics doesn’t seem like all that much and a weekend of meditation and yoga in luxurious surroundings isn’t your style, maybe you could consider Camp Grounded.
Camp Grounded’s digital detox experiences are four days of total unplugged living with a group of adults in rustic camp-like settings. If you went to a coed summer camp or Y camp as a kid, it looks a lot like that — only with adults. Three sessions this year include two in Hendersonville, North Carolina, in August and one in Marble Falls, Texas, mid October.
The program for both locations includes “healthy gourmet camp meals,” live music, playshops, campfires, yoga, counselors, arts and crafts, camp dance, talent shows, sing-alongs, climbing walls, archery, swimming, kickball, stargazing, meditation, sweat lodges, s’mores, and “so much more.” You can count on zip-lines, canoeing, rope swings, and a lot of nature. Campers sleep in bunk beds in boys’ and girls’ cabins or your own tents if you bring them. There are manual typewriters if your creative urges go that way, you know like with paper? From the many camp videos available on the site, it also looks like there is ample singing and dancing.
If you just want a break and miss summer camp, or maybe if you never went to camp but wish you had, Camp Grounded appears to be a lively experience. With no electronics. But there is coffee.