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5 worst movies of 2023 so far

Every year, we spend plenty of time thinking about what the best movies we’ve seen are, and rightfully so. There are always plenty of worthy titles to consider, and every year produces a slate of great films worth thoroughly considering.

Of course, with the good, we must also take the bad, which is why every year also contains plenty of titles that are less worthy of thorough examination and consideration. Every year has a few total stinkers, and this is a list that contains five such titles. Without further ado, these are the worst movies of 2023 so far.


65 - Official Trailer - Only In Cinemas March 10

Adam Driver is one of the best actors working today, but that doesn’t mean he only makes good stuff. He’s got to pay his mortgage just like everyone else, which is exactly how we wound up with 65. This movie follows a man and a young girl after they crash land on a foreign planet, only to discover that they’re actually on Earth during the Jurassic era.

65 is not clever or particularly well-directed, and it features Driver pushed to the total limits of what his charisma can bear. The movie is at least short, but there’s not much else worth recommending about it.

Your Place Or Mine

Your Place Or Mine | Official Trailer | Netflix

Reese Witherspoon has starred in some truly excellent movies and has more than proven herself to be one of the more capable leads of her generation. Unfortunately, Your Place Or Mine, which pairs her with Ashton Kutcher, fails to give these romantic leads the kind of spark that makes any romantic comedy great.

The movie follows their two characters, who are best friends, as they trade lives and discover that what they had been looking for may not be what they actually need. It’s all very standard rom-com stuff, and it’s not delivered with the kind of verve you would want from this kind of movie.

Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey

Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey Trailer #1 (2023)

As a meme, it was amusing to consider that because the character of Pooh Bear was now in the public domain, we might get to see the character in circumstances he wasn’t in the past. Unfortunately, Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey is atrocious from beginning to end.

The movie, which imagines a version of Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet who are bloodthirsty, and spend the movie terrorizing Christopher Robin and the other inhabitants of a remote cabin, is boring and distasteful. It’s not at all the amusing meme we might have imagined.


Ghosted — Official Trailer | Apple TV+

Chris Evans and Blonde‘s Ana de Armas are two beautiful people who have proven that they can definitely be good actors under the right circumstances. Whatever those circumstances are, though, Ghosted doesn’t manage to produce them. Following a man who discovers that the first date he just had was with a secret agent, the movie is lifeless from the word go, filled with stale action direction, horrible dialogue, and a devastating lack of urgency or originality.

An action rom-com with these two actors doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to make and yet Ghosted proves that there were plenty of ways to mess it up.

House Party

HOUSE PARTY | Official Trailer

An uninspired remake of the 1990 movie of the same name, House Party follows two aspiring club promoters who are down on their luck and decide to host an exclusive party in LeBron James‘ house in order to make the money they need.

Unfortunately, this movie reeks of brand-building in all the wrong ways, and never finds a way to be particularly original or funny. The lack of real comedy is obviously the greatest sin for this film, which is, at least ostensibly, supposed to be filled with jokes. Instead, House Party is a bad hang before the party even starts.

Editors' Recommendations

Joe Allen
Joe Allen is a freelance writer based in upstate New York focused on movies and TV.
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