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instagram screenshot 24

Instagram is getting instantaneous text translations in its apps

Instagram has announced that users will soon be able to instantaneously translate captions, comments, and bios within its apps with a tap of a button.
stayful booking app screen shot 2016 06 18 at 4 59 40 pm

Stayful transforms the entire hotel experience from booking to check out

Meet Stayful, a next generation app that promises to “go beyond booking and put the entire hotel experience in customers’ hands.”
dropbox update document scanning pc computer 2

Dropbox rolls out document scanning, new sharing features, and more to its apps

Dropbox is rolling out a bevy of new features to its apps on iOS and desktop, including document scanning, new sharing tools, and shortcuts to documents.

Twitter’s Engage app helps celebrities keep track of their latest selfie’s traction

Twitter's Engage app, which is available to all iOS users in the US, does away with a timeline in favor of mentions and stats.
toca boca vacation screen shot 2016 06 18 at 4 28 pm

Toca Boca: Vacation is the app that will keep your kids entertained this summer

Toca Boca has released its 34th app, Toca Life: Vacation, which includes a diverse range of characters and families for children to identify with
google now nexus launcher dashboard feat

Google Now on Tap to gain shortcuts to reminders, alarms, nearby places, and more

Now on Tap, Google's machine learning search service for Android, is about to get more useful with the addition of shortcuts.
Owl Fitness App

‘Owl’ is a kid-focused app that turns fitness into a game

Owl, a new fitness band on Kickstarter, attempts to get kids active by rewarding steps and activities with points.
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No CS degree? No problem, you can still build a mobile app with Semble

Meet Semble, a new app-creation tool empowering people everywhere to get a bit technical, and bring their ideas into the hands of others.
facebook notify

Facebook has just killed off an app that you may not have even heard of

musecam iphone camera app

MuseCam unlocks iPhone camera’s potential with manual controls and editing

MuseCam brings along a plethora of features to help you get more out of your iPhone’s camera than you ever thought possible.
rawr news

Rawr looks to animate conversations by bringing virtual avatars to messaging

Rawr is a messaging app that has a personalized avatar in the backdrop of conversations. You can trigger these avatars to perform actions via hashtags.
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Google code hints of RAW+JPEG photo capture support in Android camera app

A few lines of code in Google Camera's APK shows Nexus devices might soon have the ability to capture RAW+JPEG photos inside stock photo app.
iPhone SE

Apple has pulled an app that told you if your iPhone was hacked

Apple has removed System and Security Info, an app that told users if their phone had been hacked, from the App Store.
Does blue light really affect your sleep? We ask an expert

Tired? A smartphone app shows over 30 percent of us aren’t sleeping enough

In the U.S., one out of every three people aren't hitting the recommended goal of seven hours of shuteye.
lush mobile app cosmetics

Your makeup store just went high-tech: Lush debuts its new app for iOS and Android

Lush Cosmetics is now taking its innovative practices to the next level, introducing its first app for iOS and Android.
lexi alexa app screen shot 2016 05 07 at 9 20 00 pm

Don’t buy an Echo just to talk to Alexa — download Lexi instead

Meet Lexi, the iOS app that lets you talk to Alexa directly from your iPhone.
dwayne the rock johnson clock app news and a hard place hbo

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson made an app to get your ass out of bed already

ian mckellen shakespeare app

To download, or not to download: Ian McKellen’s new app teaches you Shakespeare

Ian McKellen has a serious passion for Shakespeare, and he wants you to as well. In fact, he's just launched a new app to help you understand Shakespeare.
blooms new trading feature lets parents buy sell baby gear locally parent header

Bloom’s new trading feature lets parents buy, sell baby gear locally

A parenting app called Bloom has launched a local connection feature that lets parents buy and sell discounted toys and other items.
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You can now play podcasts from within Google search results on Android

Google's updated the Search for Android app to support podcast playback. It comes on the heels of a new Play Music app that features podcast management.
clink group saving savings app pizza ordering

For group vacations, or just pizza, Clink makes it easier to save with friends

Clink is a no-fee savings and investing app that just announced a new group savings feature that allows users to save money together.
redzone app high crimes areas

Not a fan of getting mugged? RedZone lets you know where the high-crime areas are

RedZone lets you scope out crimes in a given area in order for you to avoid those areas and, potentially, remain safe.
politalk app screen shot 2016 04 12 at 9 09 42 am

Not sure which candidate you hate the most? New app helps you find your political identity

Here to help is Politalk, a new app that promises to help young voters discover their political identity.
roomi chicago launch 1

Nightmare roommates begone! Roomi expands shared housing app into Washington, DC

Roomi has announced that it is expanding into the Washington, D.C. area. The service facilitates the hunt for shared housing situations.
dominos zero click

Domino’s Zero Click takes the work out of ordering pizza

Want pizza? Who doesn't? Just launch Domino's Zero Click app, and voilà, your order has been placed.
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MIT’s app promises to count calories and help you lose weight

Researchers at MIT are currently developing an app that helps you keep track of caloric intake and general nutritional data using just your voice.
wurrly recording studio app screen shot 2016 03 13 at 9 15 39 am

Wurrly turns your phone into a professional recording studio

Thanks to a new app called Wurrly, aspiring songbirds everywhere will be able to turn their mobile devices into an easy to use recording studio.
Coachella VR remote live stream experience

Can’t make it to Coachella? Don’t worry – you’ll be able to watch it remotely with VR

Thanks to Coachella's app partnership with, fans will be able to live stream festival sets to a VR headset from the comfort of their homes.
cheetah cm launcher 3d release news cheetahphone

Not ready to buy the CheetahPhone? Try the UI out beforehand using CM Launcher 3D

shorts ios app woman taking selfies featured

Shorts is a Periscope-like app for real-time photo sharing

Want to share as many photos as you like in real time with your friends? Shorts is the right app for you.
plane app social icebreaker

Meet new people with Plane, a text-based app that lets you send ‘signals’

There are no pictures in Plane -- the app is entirely text-based. It's meant to be a social icebreaker that lets you interact with people in a new way.
facebook recommendations social network app smartphone

Facebook’s photo-sharing app Moments now lets you share videos as part of major update

Facebook has launched a major update to its Moments photo-sharing app, which now lets you share videos. The update is available on iOS and Android.
eno capital one woman texting on smartphone

Google updates Gmail for Android with rich formatting and instant RSVP features

Google has released an updated version of Gmail for Android that lets you change the formatting of text and quickly RSVP to calendar invites.
buzzfeed video app ios

BuzzFeed just killed your productivity with its new app, BuzzFeed Video

On Tuesday, Buzzfeed, otherwise known as ADD central of the already ADD-prone Internet, unveiled a new app called BuzzFeed Video.