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Latest by J. Van Camp

T-Mobile G2x: hands-on with LG’s HDMI Mirroring Android phone

samsung unveils 8 9 inch galaxy tab and redesigns 10 1 tablet both thinner than ipad 2 thumb

Samsung unveils new iPad-thin Galaxy Tab models

CTIA roundtable: Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T talk data and argue over T-Mobile

samsung shows itunes like social reading music media business hubs for galaxy tabs tab thumb

Samsung shows iTunes-like social, reading, music, media, business ‘Hubs’ for Galaxy Tabs

iPad 2 problems: What users complain about the most

Anonymous strikes? Teen cancels birthday and calls police after 214,000 guests RSVP on Facebook

Will iPhone 5 hold dual SIM cards? We think not

internet explorer 9 review now with more chrome ie thumb

Internet Explorer 9 review: Now with more Chrome

death of the mouse how eye tracking technology could save pc thumb

Death of the mouse: How eye-tracking technology could save the PC

NASA photos show flooded coast after Japan tsunami

No NFC for iPhone 5, Apple tells carriers

iPad 2 launch attracts thousands in New York City

ultimate ipad 2 buyers guide how to buy on launch day gollum

Ultimate iPad 2 buyer’s guide: How to buy on launch day

Man turns NES into an 8GB flash drive

iPad 2: Verizon & AT&T data prices revealed

Samsung Stealth 4G to hit Verizon April 14

Wi-Fi is 30 percent slower than wired broadband

Microsoft delays Windows Phone copy/paste update

EA thinks Facebook and PC games are the future

Xbox Kinect sales reach 10 million, earns Guinness World Record

Scientists recover 16,000 Ice Age fossils in Los Angeles

Zite hopes to be the Pandora of iPad magazines

Hollywood in a bidding war over Voltron movie

five reasons netflix may end up as a bargain bin streaming service thumb

Five reasons Netflix may become the bargain bin of streaming services

eight windows 8 features that could save microsoft thumb

Eight Windows 8 features that could save Microsoft

63 percent of Web videos no longer require Flash

U.S. Navy to ignite the robot apocalypse

Angry Birds to surpass 100 million downloads

japanese scientists develop phone that feels like human skin thumb

Japanese scientists develop human-shaped phone that feels like real skin

apple ipad 2 vs motorola xoom thumb

Apple iPad 2 vs. Motorola Xoom

BlackBerry PlayBook coming April 10?

Burger Time remake coming to all major consoles

Nintendo developing new 3D Mario, adding Netflix to 3DS

Apple reveals iMovie and Garage Band for iPad 2