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Latest by J. Van Camp

Google Q&A: Facebook, Twitter, Nokia, Chrome OS, and Ice Cream

Schmidt: Google hopes to know your thoughts and save your memories, forever

Google’s Schmidt reveals Movie Studio video editing app for Honeycomb

Acer unveils Iconia Smart, a massive 4.8-inch Android phone

lg optimus 3d vs samsung galaxy s ii gal thumb

LG Optimus 3D Vs. Samsung Galaxy S II

Google cuts search attacks in half while Bing hacks double

Dick Costolo Twitter CEO (Oct 2010)

Twitter is not just a ‘microblogging’ service, argues CEO

Microsoft at MWC: multitasking and a speedy IE9 for Windows Phone 7

Amazon slashes $20 off Black Ops, discounts all Call of Duty games

an open relationship a good move for nokia and microsoft micro thumb

An open relationship: A good move for Nokia and Microsoft

Facebook moves to ban Google Ads from its apps

Steve Jobs is still the man behind the curtain, despite medical leave


Nokia outlines restructuring, benefits of Microsoft WP7 partnership

Nokia chooses Windows Phone 7 as its primary operating system – full details

T-Mobile phones are free this weekend

HP claims great relationship with Microsoft, cryptic about WebOS PC plans


Stay out of the water! Moonless twilights could trigger sea animal orgies

Yahoo to launch Livestand, a Flipboard-style tablet magazine

Publisher greed: Little girl amasses $1,400 iPhone bill playing ‘Smurf’s Village’

Apple files patents for OLED and touchscreen ‘hovering’

Nokia and Microsoft in negotiations, WP7 partnership likely


Apple TV to offer online games?

five reasons why the sun is setting on windows dominance carousel set

Five reasons why the sun is setting on Windows dominance

HP snubs Windows, plans to integrate webOS into PCs

HP unveils WebOS HP Veer, Palm Pre 3, and HP TouchPad tablet

Battlefield 3 engine is an ‘exponential leap in destructibility,’ says developer

Nintendo 3DS more powerful than Wii, says developer

Facebook to move its headquarters to Menlo Park, hire more people

Apple retains dominance in movie VOD market

Nokia shelves first MeeGo phone before launch

Nintendo: mobile games are bad for the industry, except Angry Birds

Darth Vader ‘The Force’ Volkswagon commercial

NASA twin probes let us view the sun in 3D

Cowboys & Aliens new trailer packs more old west action