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Redfall gets its first gameplay trailer and it’s a blast

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This story is part of our Summer Gaming Marathon series.

Arkane’s Redfall made another appearance during Xbox & Bethesda’s 2022 Games Showcase. This new trailer gave players a better look at its shooting gameplay, as well as new details on its eclectic cast of vampire hunters.

Redfall Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer | Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022

Redfall is an upcoming first-person shooter that puts players in control of one of four different characters that must travel large environments and survive against a vampire hoard. It can be compared to a hero-shooter, in that each character has unique abilities made to take on the blood-sucking threat.

The characters are the undead deadeye, Jacob Boyer, with the ability to turn invisible and snipe, Remi De La Rosa, who can utilize a robot dog partner, Devinder Crousley, who has special cryptid hunting tools, and Layla Ellison, who has telekinetic powers.

The vampires in Redfall were created in a science experiment gone wrong. These nightcrawlers also evolve into different variations, somewhat like the zombies of the Left 4 Dead series.

This highly anticipated title originally appeared at Xbox & Bethesda’s 2021 Games Showcase last year and was delayed to 2023 this year. Bethesda stated that the game takes place in an “ever-changing open-world that reacts to your choices and actions.” Co-creative director Ricardo Bare also stated that the focus of the title would remain on deep world-building and inventive game mechanics.

While it’s been a year since we last heard from Redfall, there is still no definite release date. However, Xbox confirms the game is releasing in 2023 for Xbox consoles, PC, and the cloud. It’s also coming day one to Xbox Game Pass.

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DeAngelo Epps
Former Digital Trends Contributor
De'Angelo Epps is a gaming writer passionate about the culture, communities, and industry surrounding gaming. His work ranges…
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