Amazon Prime Day comes just in time to complete your summer camping preparations. You can get premium sports and outdoor gear at heavily discounted prices during this much-awaited 48-hour retail event. One of the items you can get on sale is the Coleman Tandem Adult Sleeping Bag.
The Coleman Tandem usually goes for $100. Save $39 on this three-in-one sleeping bag when you order during Prime Day, which runs from July 15 to 16. Hurry and place your order while this deal is available.
Pack the oversize Coleman Tandem on your next summer camping trip, and sleep side-by-side with your partner under the night sky. This 18 x 17 x 15-inch sleeping bag is designed to fit two adults who are up to 6 feet, 4 inches in height. One customer review even reported that a third person can fit inside. This makes this sleeping bag perfect for couples who love snuggling with their small child or pet.
We mentioned above that this is a three-in-one sleeping bag, but you can zip the Coleman Tandem apart so you can have separate sleeping bags for two adults. You do not have to worry about snagging when you zip because it comes with the convenient ZipPlow system. This patented two-way system pushes fabric away from the zipper, preventing frustration.
Camping sites can get cold when the sun goes down, even during summer. The Coleman Tandem sleeping bag can keep you and your partner warm in temperatures as low as 45 degrees Fahrenheit thanks to its Coletherm hollow polyester insulation.
Another feature that adds coziness in the Coleman Tandem three-in-one sleeping bag is the ComfortCuff which surrounds your head in warm fabric. You can also detach its built-in sheet, giving you options to match your preference.
Get the Coleman Tandem Adult Sleeping Bag on Amazon today at a discounted price of $61.
Make more informed decisions when picking the right camping tents, sleeping bags, and other camping gear by checking our curated “Best of” lists. You can also visit our deals page to see the latest discounts on tech items, kitchen appliances, smart home devices, and more.