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Is Deathloop cross-platform?

Bethesda’s latest IP has delivered in a way fans never expected. Deathloop pits two rival assassins against each other with a stunning single-player campaign and a Dark Souls-like PvP invasion mechanic. However, players are itching to know if they can invade their friends on other consoles. Is Deathloop cross-platform?

Does Deathloop have crossplay?

Colt sneaks up on a group of enemies in Deathloop.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Sadly, no; Deathloop does not support crossplay. That means PC players can only invade other PC players. Those on PlayStation 5 can rest assured knowing a PC-controlled Julianna won’t be invading their world. That being said, the PvP side of Deathloop has left fans split. Some believe it’s a waste of time, while others claim it’s better than Dark Souls. Whatever side of the argument you fall on, you’ll only be making it with players on the same platform.

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Is Deathloop coming to Xbox?

Disclaimer about Deathloop coming to other consoles next year.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

The answer is probably, but not until September 14, 2022. You may have missed a very tiny disclaimer in the launch trailer (we’ve provided a screenshot above) that says, “Also available on PC. Not available on Other consoles until 9//14/22.”

Why? Doesn’t Microsoft own Bethesda? Yes, while Microsoft owns Bethesda as of 2020, Deathloop was announced as a PS5 exclusive back in 2019. While we can only speculate about the inner dealings of Sony, Bethesda, and Microsoft, it’s reasonable to assume Sony had an exclusive deal for Deathloop they were willing to bend on after the Microsoft acquisition. Microsoft, presumably, accepted the PC release of Deathloop as a fair middle ground.

How do we know this? A big part of Deathloop’s marketing campaign was how it planned to take advantage of the PS5’s DualSense controllers, something the Xbox Series doesn’t have. Why would they lean so hard on that marketing facet, knowing it would alienate Xbox players if they didn’t have an exclusive deal with Sony?

Will Deathloop come to other platforms?

As for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, there’s no reason to believe Deathloop will be releasing on these platforms anytime soon. Even though you can play Skyrim on Nintendo Switch now, Microsoft’s deal with Bethesda most likely blocks any Nintendo Switch release. Sorry Nintendo fans, you won’t be invading each other on your Switches anytime soon.

Mike Colucci
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Michael Colucci is a lifelong video game fan based out of the greater Boston area. He's the one insistent on searching every…
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