Ever since the original Xbox hit the market to compete with the PlayStation, the two systems have more or less been at a graphical stalemate. Yes, the Xbox One lagged slightly behind the PS4, but with this generation, Microsoft decided to split the difference and offer players two choices for jumping into next-gen. Comparing the Xbox Series X versus Series S all comes down to graphics since they can both play the best Xbox Series X games.
Despite having an uneven release schedule from first-party studios, the Xbox Series X has built up an impressive library of visually stunning games, and there are plenty of upcoming Xbox Series X games to look forward to. Many games here could even be mistaken for real-life footage or images, and yet they’re fully playable on this powerful console. Showing off what your new console can push out visually is always a treat, so if you’re looking for a handful of games that will make any onlooker’s jaw drop, here are our picks for some of the Xbox Series X games with the best graphics.