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CBP drone

Despite obvious dangers, autonomous killer robot tech is charging ahead

Thanks to the proliferation of lethal autonomous weapon tech, the world's military powers are now engaged in an arms race that's increasingly difficult to stop.
ak 47 kamikaze drone

Makers of the AK-47 assault rifle have built a kamikaze drone as their sequel

trump space force gettyimages 1013898692

To infinity and beyond? Space Force may be a real thing by 2020

7 sci fi gadgets brought to life star wars hologram

7 Exotic technologies that were once science fiction, but now exist in reality

destiny 2 curse of osiris review

Bungie clarifies when new weapons will release in ‘Destiny 2’

navy railgun live fire

A decade later, the U.S. Navy railgun is even bigger and badder

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These 'Destiny: Rise of Iron' guns will keep you entertained

marines laser weapons f16fighterjet

The Marine Corps is ready for laser weapons, but officials say they need to shrink them first

air force maglev us

Air Force builds rocket-powered maglev sled capable of traveling at speeds up to 633 mph

dallas shooting facebook gun guns

New report finds terrorists and arms dealers selling through Facebook groups

private gun sales are now banned on facebook instagram

Private gun sales are now banned on Facebook, Instagram

air force creates lock breaking tool melts metal matter seconds thermite torch featured

The Air Force’s new thermite torch liquifies metal locks in seconds

air force general says laser warfare in the sky is coming sooner than you think hellads

U.S. Air Force general says laser warfare in the sky coming sooner than you think

Fighter jets may soon take enemies out using laser weapons. “That day is a lot closer than I think a lot of people think it is,” said an Air Force general.
Team Vigir Robot Challenge

Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak call for autonomous weapon ban

Heading off a weaponised robotic future is the best bet to avoid it, according to scientists, who have called for a ban on their development.
Lockheed Martin laser truck

Lockheed Martin’s newest laser weapon can destroy a truck’s engine from a mile away

Dr. Evil, eat your heart out: Lockheed Martin recently demonstrated a laser that disabled a small truck’s engine from more than a mile away.
check navys crazy electromagnetic railgun thats set deployed 2016 general atomics edited

Check out the Navy’s crazy electromagnetic railgun that’s set to be deployed in 2016

After developing it behind closed doors for the better part of a decade, the U.S. Navy will soon unveil it's railgun prototype to the public in July.

UK man gets his toy gun mistaken by startled passerby, armed siege ensued

An armed siege in Liverpool, United Kingdom was caused by a toy gun after a scared passerby witnessed one gamer point the "weapon" from his window.

The TSA joins Instagram to post all the weapons people still bring to airports

If weekly blogs weren't enough to discourage people from bringing weapons and explosives to airports, could the TSA's Instagram efforts do the trick?