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Elden Ring review: Even the haters will be impressed

A character sits in front of a glowing, yellow orb in Elden Ring.
Elden Ring
MSRP $59.99
“While technical frustrations hold back its full potential, Elden Ring astonishes with fantastic open-world design and consistently rewarding exploration.”
  • Deep combat customization
  • Excellent bosses
  • Top-tier open world
  • Rewarding exploration
  • Dazzling art design
  • Rough camera
  • Frustrating tech quirks
  • Disappointing horseback combat

If you have strong feelings about FromSoftware’s games either way, you probably already know what you’ll think of Elden Ring. If you’re a Dark Souls veteran, there’s a fair chance that this takes the throne as your favorite game of all time. For haters who find Souls games tedious and punishing, the praise will sound like a cruel joke. Both sides will have a point.

There’s a good reason that Souls games are so polarizing, and Elden Ring brings the divide into focus. On one hand, it’s an astonishing achievement. The action RPG is frequently mesmerizing, offering the hands down best open-world experience since, you guessed it, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. But to give the detractors their due, it’s also a game that demands perfection from players while refusing to clean up the series’ sloppiest quirks.

Don’t let that last part scare you off, though. Despite its lack of finesse, Elden Ring is an all-enveloping adventure filled with incredible landscapes, fantastic enemy design, and deep RPG customization. Even the haters will find something to love here.

If you love Dark Souls …

Elden Ring is going to make a lot of people happy. It takes the ethos of Dark Souls and puts it into a more expansive package without throwing out FromSoftware’s signature ideas. It’s a dark, high-fantasy action-RPG tightly packed with challenging boss fights — a whole lot of them.

A character fights a dragon in Elden Ring.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Naturally, combat is the heart of Elden Ring. Like any Souls game, battles are all about evading an enemy’s ferocious attack patterns and waiting for the precise moment to strike. What stands out this time is just how many options players have when it comes to creating a combat build. At the start of my journey, I was carefully prodding enemies at a distance with a lance and casting fire spells. By the end, I was summoning an army of spectral soldiers to distract bosses while I performed magic-consuming, whirlwind slashes with a gigantic sword from behind my enemy.

While Elden Ring doesn’t have difficulty options, spellcasting gives players more flexibility when tackling tough fights.

Magic plays a bigger role here than previous Souls games, and it’s a smart move. While Elden Ring doesn’t have difficulty options, spellcasting gives players more flexibility when tackling tough fights. Between spells, summons, and special “Ashes” that can be attached to weapons to give them powerful attacks, there’s a lot to experiment with. New players can essentially create their own set of training wheels through magic, while veterans can ignore the systems entirely and focus on traditional slashing and parrying.

In terms of what you’ll actually be fighting, Elden Ring has no shortage of fantastic boss fights. From fire-spouting dog statues to grotesque flesh gods that roll around like Sonic, each encounter feels entirely different and pushes players to try new strategies. Much of the fun comes from the sense of surprise and discovery each new boss presents. Even in my most exhausting play sessions, I got a hit of excitement every time I was about to enter a cloudy, green boss portal. What fresh hell awaited me on the other side? I always needed to know, even if I knew I wasn’t prepared for the beating that would ensue.

An enemy performs a magic spell in Elden Ring.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

For people who love FromSoftware, none of this is new information. Souls games are immensely challenging, but make the struggle worthwhile for curious players. Elden Ring only amplifies that strength, giving players more tools to toy with and an army of delightfully deranged monsters to use them against.

If you hate Dark Souls …

For those who have never understood the appeal of Dark Souls, Elden Ring’s action is a different story. Even with helpful new features, this is still a tough game that required me to bang my head against individual bosses for hours on end. If that’s never sounded fun, it still won’t be here.

A lot has been made about whether or not these games are “too hard,” but that conversation is a distraction. The real issue is that FromSoftware’s games can often feel too archaic for their own good, adding technical complications on top of gameplay that already requires high skill. Elden Ring is as guilty of that as ever, which is annoying considering that this is the studio’s jump to a more capable console generation.

A troll fights a player in Elden Ring.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

In many of the fights that gave me the most trouble, I felt like I was fighting around sloppy design rather than dueling a powerful boss. The third-person camera is most notably a mess. When fighting large enemies up close, it’s extremely difficult to see what’s going on. In one fight against a hulking magma dragon, the camera closed in so close that I couldn’t see when it was winding up to attack. I just had to roll at random based on loose sound cues.

There’s always a caveat like that in tough fights. One major boss shoots wind projectiles out, which can clip into the floor, making them difficult to see. Another jabs with a huge rapier that pierces through a stone wall as if it’s not there. Memorizing boss patterns is easy; working around unpredictable technical quirks is much harder. That’s before getting into frame stutters and game crashes, which create additional stress.

In many of the fights that gave me the most trouble, I felt like I was fighting around sloppy design rather than dueling a powerful boss.

Even putting the tech issues aside, the game’s insistence on constant challenge creates puzzling inconsistency that makes it tough to read any given situation. Why does a nine-story reptile slashing me with its claws do the same amount of damage as a pipsqueak grunt tossing a pebble at me? That especially sticks out in the open world. In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, players can go anywhere, but difficult enemies make it clear when the player is entering a space they aren’t prepared for. Everything, down to the smallest enemy, is powerful in Elden Ring, so I never understood when I should turn around and come back when I was leveled up.

Elden Ring's hero rides a horse and attacks a huge enemy.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

The list of gripes goes on and on. Stat changes feel like a placebo, as numbers rise with no discernible impact. That makes new systems like Great Runes, which provide temporary stat buffs players get from defeating major bosses, feel superfluous. There’s horseback combat, but it’s a total crapshoot as to whether or not your weapon will actually connect with a foe’s already tricky hitbox.

Souls veterans will learn to live with those quirks, like a teen getting past the taste of cheap beer, but it doesn’t make those issues any easier to digest.

A compromise

That might sound like an extensive list of grievances, but in the spirit of Dark Souls, here’s a surprise: I still love Elden Ring.

Much of that comes down to the game’s open world, which is one of the best I’ve ever experienced in a game. Rather than leading players through tight dungeon corridors, Elden Ring lets players loose in The Lands Between, a massive continent that snakes around an enormous, golden tree. After creating a hero and getting a bit of setup, players are free to explore every nook and cranny with hardly any restriction.

Players could spend dozens of hours exploring, ogling its gothic art, and uncovering secrets before fighting a single enemy.

It’s an intricately designed space filled with breathtaking landscapes, diverse biomes, and no shortage of discoveries. Rather than taking the Ubisoft route and giving players a map full of question marks, Elden Ring barely ever directs players to anything. The most fun I had came from exploring with no goal in mind. There was always a reward waiting for me no matter where I went, whether it was a mining a cave full of valuable resources or a mysterious shrine that gave me access to powerful spells in exchange for dragon hearts.

The game’s best strength is that it never railroads players into any set path. When I came up against Stormveil Castle’s difficult final boss, I could simply fast travel out at any time and continue exploring. Hours later, I’d come back several levels stronger with a shiny new weapon I found in an underground ruin and a powerful spell I’d grabbed off a dead guy hanging off the side of a crumbling bridge.

A tall statue towers over a foggy land in Elden Ring.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

I imagine that Elden Ring will be similar to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in that few players will actually care about beating its main story — and I mean that in a very positive way. While Game of Thrones’ author George R.R. Martin contributed writing to the game, the overarching story is perhaps the least interesting thing about it (its standard fantasy mumbo-jumbo with lots of kingdom names peppered in). The real fun comes from riding around on horseback, suddenly stumbling upon a stone-giant with a shrine on its back wandering around, figuring out what to do about that, and then comparing notes with your friends.

Like previous Souls games, Elden Ring won’t be for everyone. However, it’s a game that better understands how to let less technically skilled players see why fans love Souls games. Players could spend dozens of hours exploring, ogling its gothic art, and uncovering secrets before fighting a single enemy. I’m confident that you’d still get a fulfilling, lengthy experience playing like that, which is a testament to how spectacular the experience can be when its not getting in its own way.

Our take

Elden Ring is a new gold standard for open-world game design, dishing out some of the best freeform exploration since The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Curiosity is rewarded at every turn and secrets truly feel secret. For Souls veterans, the number of tools available adds a new level of depth to its combat that makes constant experimentation worthwhile. Even with those strengths, it’s hard to outright ignore the ugly quirks in FromSoftware’s games, which stick out even more on new tech. A stubbornness to fix archaic issues holds back what should be a once-in-a-generation game, but Elden Ring is still a landmark accomplishment in any case.

Is there a better alternative?

If you want a similarly organic open-world game without the challenge, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be more your speed. Horizon Forbidden West is also comparable in quality if you want a newer release.

How long will it last?

That’s very variable based on how much exploration you do and your skill level, but expect the main story to land around 50 to 60 hours. It feels like there’s over 100 hours of content in total here.

Should I buy it?

Yes. Even if you hate Dark Souls, Elden Ring’s world is just too astonishing to pass up.

Elden Ring was tested on PC.

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Giovanni Colantonio
Giovanni is a writer and video producer focusing on happenings in the video game industry. He has contributed stories to…
The best OS Tuning upgrades in Armored Core 6
A mech carrying things overlooks a destroyed world in Armored Core 6's reveal trailer.

As much as you're a pilot in Armored Core 6, you're just as much a mechanic. Almost every mission will have you back in the garage swapping out parts, buying new ones, replacing weapons, and customizing your mech for the task at hand. This is quite different from typical FromSoftware games due to the fact that you can't actually improve any weapon or mech part, but that doesn't mean the only way to get better is to buy new parts. OS Tuning upgrades play a major part in your build by giving you a wide range of advantages at the cost of OS Tuning chips you earn from the Arena. These come in passive and active types, and you can unlock and keep all the passives active at once, but will need to pick and choose between active ones. Here are the most powerful OS upgrades you should spend your chips on in Armored Core 6.
Best OS upgrades

Quick Turn
Do yourself a massive favor and significantly improve your quality of life in Armored Core 6 by unlocking Quick Turn. This maneuver lets you snap your mech to either side, or completely flip around, without having to manually rotate around slowly. The only slight trouble is that it is awkward to pull off since the input is using your left analog stick to point in whichever direction you want to turn and you need to press the boost button, which can occasionally send you blasting off when you didn't intend to.
Repair Kits
If you're a FromSoft fan, Repair Kits are your Estus Flasks in Armored Core 6. Unlike the Estus, however, you can never get more than three of them at a time. The only upgrade you can apply to them is with this OS one that buffs how many Armored Points (AP) each one restores by 500 for each level you upgrade it. Once you get tankier mechs, upgrading your kits to max will be almost mandatory to make them at all useful, unless you're so good you just never need to heal.
Assault Armor
Do you find yourself getting swarmed and annoyed at how hard it is to get those little pests off of you? Assault Armor is your "get off me" move that creates a small blast surrounding your mech that deals damage and stagger on anything that's too close for comfort. You don't hurt yourself using it, and each upgrade you invest in lets you use it more times per mission.
Explosive Weapons
Missiles, grenades, and anything that goes boom is probably a key part of your arsenal already. These are already the weapons with the highest damage potential in the game, so why not make them even more powerful? The Explosive Weapons upgrade isn't going to make your weapons too overpowered, with each upgrade only giving you a 3% damage increase, but that can add up fast once you get to the max rank.
Direct Hit Modifier
Similar to Sekiro, staggering enemies in Armored Core 6 is a major mechanic for the flow of combat that lets you get in a lot of damage quickly and without danger. You need to make the most of these opportunities whenever you create them, especially on bosses, so Direct Hit Modifier is an easy upgrade to recommend as it will increase the damage you do to a staggered enemy by 5% per upgrade.

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The best gear in Armored Core 6
A mech flies towards an icy facility in Armored Core 6.

If you're a mecha fan, odds are you're looking forward to customizing every inch of your hulking Armored Core (AC) mecha in Armored Core 6. Just like in a Souls game, what gear you outfit your mech with determines everything about how you play, including your movement speed, optimal ranges, defense, and more. You'll be expected to tweak and update your AC constantly to handle new situations and missions. Still, there are a few builds that you can gravitate toward for more broad use to overpower and overcome any task at hand reliably. Because Armored Core 6 doesn't do upgrades in the traditional sense, such as earning XP and gradually increasing in power, it all comes down to your gear. If you want to overpower your opponents with sheer force, here are some of the best builds you can make in Armored Core 6.
Best early game build

During chapter 1, and in general for Armored Core 6, having the maximum amount of Armor Points (AP) is your top priority. Enemies and bosses are brutal right from the jump, and since you'll still be finding your footing in how to fully control your AC, being able to survive long enough to learn the game and mission is key. Here's a solid build to save up for:

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The best weapons in Armored Core 6
A boss fight in Armored Core 6.

Time to load up for your next mission, merc. Your mech is your real character in Armored Core 6, and the different components you attach to it can completely change how it functions. There are different legs, cores, and all types of ways to change up your mech, but the most immediate and important has to be your weapon loadout. These can range from melee weapons and shotguns to massive missile launchers and Gatling guns. Since your mech can hold weapons in both hands and on each shoulder, there's a lot of room to experiment and give yourself options. Still, weapons aren't cheap and credits aren't always easy to come by as a gun for hire, so here are the best weapons in Armored Core 6 to invest in first.
Best Armored Core 6 weapons

Vvvc-774LS Laser Slicer
Let's begin with a melee weapon, which is far more useful in a game with rifles and lasers than you might expect. This is great for cleaving through mobs of smaller enemies thanks to its wide attack range and the fact that each swing counts as two hits. With an attack power of 1,615, that's a lot of damage coming out very fast -- and that's not even considering the ability to charge it up while advancing. It is on the heavier side for its class, and takes a while to "reload," but is a perfect way to get some breathing room if you get swarmed.
VP-60LCS Laser Cannon
If you need an early shoulder-mounted laser weapon, the VP-60LCS is a great one you can pick up in Chapter 1. They do decent damage, but the real usefulness comes in their staggering ability. Their rate of fire is essentially as fast as you can pull the trigger, and without a need to reload, you can rely on them whenever you need to so long as you don't overheat.
DF-GA-08-HU-BEN Gatling Gun
Sometimes we just want to hold down the trigger and make our problems go away. That's what Gatling guns are for, and this one ranks among the best. Each round will obviously do little damage, but with 1,300 rounds to chew through, not much can hold out against its sustained fire. Having one or two of these in your hands to follow up after stunning enemies with a laser weapon results in the perfect combo.
Songbirds Grenade Cannon
You won't have access to heavy explosives like the Songbirds until around midway into the game, but it is a must-buy as soon as you can. As you would expect, these explosives deal a ton of impact damage that has a decent area of effect if you're firing near a group. As a cherry on top, the grenades also inflict a high amount of stagger, so they're quite useful against bosses as well.
BML-G1/P07VTC-12 Vertical Missile Launcher
We couldn't close out a list of best weapons without a missile launcher, could we? For your money, this model is king. This shoulder-mounted weapon of mass destruction houses 12 missiles in its case that are ready to track your targets down, even behind cover and around obstacles. Just lock on to up to a dozen targets and let the missiles do the work from there.

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