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Fortnite season 9, week 8 challenge guide: Where to visit 3 different clocks

Save some time and use our Fortnite guide to visit different clocks on the map

If the 14 Days of Summer event wasn’t enough to keep you busy, then you’ll be happy to hear that the season 9, week 8 challenges are now up in Fortnite: Battle Royale. As usual, there’s one challenge in the group that proves to be a bit more demanding than the rest, and it tasks players with visiting three different clocks on the map.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with tips that will help you finish this challenge quickly and easily, as well as walk you through all the locations you’ll need to visit to find these three elusive clocks. Before we jump into all that, though, let’s take a look at all the challenges for the week.

All the Fortnite season 9, week 8 challenges

fortnite week 8 challenges fortnite clocks
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You can find all of the Fortnite season nine, week eight challenges in the screenshot above, as well as written out below. There are seven new challenges in total, with three of them for all players and four that are only available to Battle Pass owners. If you don’t own the Battle Pass for this season, we don’t recommend that you get it now as you won’t have much time to complete the previous weeks’ challenges.

Free Challenges

  • Apply shields 0/400
  • Visit different clocks 0/3
  • Eliminate opponents in Snobby Shores or Mega Mall 0/7

Battle Pass Challenges

  • Damage opponents with Assault Rifles 0/500
  • Land at Neo Tilted 0/1
  • Use a volcano vent, air vent, and a zipline in a single match 0/3
  • Eliminations outside of named locations 0/5

If you own this season’s battle pass and are still completing some of the challenges from previous weeks, make sure to check out our guides from week five, six, and seven. This week, we’ll be tackling the challenge that has players visit different clocks on the Battle Royale map. Continue reading for our guide to completing this.

Fortnite clocks challenge

fortnite 14 days of summer
Image used with permission by copyright holder

This challenge isn’t too hard to do and you can easily finish it in the same match if you have a vehicle. The three clock locations we recommend you visit are all located on the western half of the island and are all pretty far away from each other so the only way to get them all in the same match is by turning on Party Assist and splitting up or using a vehicle.

The match mode we recommend doing this challenge in is Team Rumble mode or whichever big team mode is in the game currently. The big team modes like Team Rumble allow players to complete their challenges with more teammates, fewer enemies to worry about, and more time to visit the three different clocks on the island.

Like we mentioned before, we also recommend turning on the Party Assist feature. This can be done from the main lobby by heading to the “Challenges” tab and selecting the three clocks challenge to activate the feature. Note that you can only do this for one challenge at a time.

Party Assist allows you and your teammates to complete the challenge together as progress will be shared. This is a great way to get the challenge done faster as you can split up and visit the three different clocks separately.

Visit different clocks location: Junk Junction

fortnite week 8 challenges fortnite clocks
Image used with permission by copyright holder

The first clock location is Junk Junction in the northernmost part of the island. If you can’t land here, that’s fine. Just start at one of the other two locations below.

Head to Junk Junction and search the southwestern corner of the walled in area. The first clock is found just to the left of the main entrance. When you enter, turn left and follow the small maze path until you are facing the large clock tower. You will find the clock itself (still running somehow) on the ground in front of you.

If you didn’t know, this is the same clock tower that was in Tilted Towers before the time jump in season nine. All you need to do is get close to the fallen clock and you should see the notification in the top left corner of your screen. With that done, let’s head to the second location.

Visit different clocks location: Neo Tilted

fortnite week 8 challenges fortnite clocks
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Speaking of Tilted Towers, this next location will take us to its cyberpunk season nine version called Neo Tilted. Head to the southern edge of Neo Tilted where there is the big building pictured above in our screenshot. The old clocktower has been replaced by this digital holographic clock that is constantly spinning around at the top of the skyscraper.

To reach the clock, you’ll need to either climb up the building from the inside or gather some nearby materials and build yourself a ramp outside to the top of the building. You will need to get close to the holographic clock for the notification to pop up in the top left corner of your screen. With that one done, there’s only one more clock left to visit.

Visit different clocks location: Happy Hamlet

fortnite week 8 challenges fortnite clocks
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Now it’s time to take a trip down south to the snowy quadrant in the southwestern section of the map to a location called Happy Hamlet. When you reach this cute little town, head right to the center and look up at the large building there. You will find a clocktower there. Just like before, you will need to build yourself a ramp to get up there and complete this challenge.

Reward for visiting different clocks challenge

fortnite week 8 challenges fortnite clocks
Image used with permission by copyright holder

With all three clock locations visited, you are done with this challenge. Your reward for completing it is five whole battle stars, enough for a half a tier level up.

Cody Perez
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Cody is that stereotypical nerdy otaku guy. He loves everything Japanese from niche visual novels like 999 and Kara no Shoujo…
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What are augments in Fortnite?
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