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Microsoft Kinect

strider vr treadmill

Strider VR a new take on an omnidirectional treadmill for VR

Strider VR uses a rotating ball array layered over a traditional linear treadmill and a Microsoft Kinect 2 sensor.
high res 3d movement scanner rehab security dsc0330 1

Cutting-edge 3D scanner will digitize you more realistically than ever before

new tech could help 3d cameras like kinect see in bright light carnegie mellon depth sensing camera

Scientists develop imaging tech to help 3D cameras see in bright light

new kinect app turns any surface into a touchscreen ubi interactive

Ubi Interactive’s Kinect app turns any surface into a touchscreen

thalmic labs myo gesture control interview header

Thalmic Labs’ founder on ditching touch screens, nixing mice, and why gesture control is the future


Microsoft fumbles UFC promotion on Xbox Live, promises improvements

just dance 3 for kinect review

Just Dance 3 for Kinect Review


Microsoft’s OmniTouch turns any surface into a touchscreen

Dance Central 2 Review


Would you use Kinect for banking?

Majesco finds success on Kinect and Wii – Twister Mania and other family titles coming

2025 tech everyday gadgets and gizmos in your near future vehicle displays hud fp

2025 Tech: Everyday gadgets and gizmos in your near future

Rumor: Walmart cutting 4GB Xbox 360 price to $250 August 28


Is the Kinect able to withstand a drop on concrete?


Students build lightsaber-wielding ‘Jedibot’ powered by Kinect

e3 2011 hands on kinect star wars new carousel

E3 2011 hands-on: Kinect Star Wars

Kinect PC SDK to support skeleton tracking for two players, directional mic controls

Gmail Motion April Fool’s joke becomes reality with Kinect

death of the mouse how eye tracking technology could save pc thumb

Death of the mouse: How eye-tracking technology could save the PC

Xbox Kinect sales reach 10 million, earns Guinness World Record

Apple retains dominance in movie VOD market

Samsung SUR40

Imagining Windows 8: Embedded Xbox, Kinect, and Surface

Kinect will come to PCs, says Microsoft CEO

Man hacks Kinect to play World of Warcraft with gestures

microsoft kinect launch title roundup thumb

Microsoft Kinect launch title roundup

Predictions: Kinect will outsell Move, eclipse the launch of Wii and Xbox 360

Sony Move controllers sell big


Microsoft reveals Kinect launch games

playstation move vs microsoft kinect carousel

PlayStation Move vs. Microsoft Kinect

Retailers Pre-Selling the Xbox Kinect for $149.99

Microsoft Kinect Available November 4th, Will Launch with 15 Games