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net neutrality

jon oliver wont succeed stewart at daily show john

FCC claims that hackers, not John Oliver, crashed its Net neutrality comments page

The Internet rejoiced over the idea that John Oliver’s rant on Net neutrality inspired trolls to do something useful, but the FCC claims it was hacked.
fcc comments page crashes john olivers net neutrality rant johnolivernetneutrality

John Oliver’s rant may have crashed the FCC Net neutrality comments page

Google’s stance on Net neutrality is good for you, and very good for Google

Google's latest blog post promises that its new Fiber internet will work to connect Netflix and other streaming sites for free, unlike competing ISPs.
fcc and isps battle over data collection tom wheeler

Democrats and Republicans unite to grill FCC chair on net neutrality

fcc and isps battle over data collection tom wheeler

FCC defies net-neutrality advocates, votes 3-2 to move forward on proposal


Comcast jumps up in Netflix’s ISP Speed Index for second time since cash deal

The updated rankings come just days before the vote for a new net neutrality proposal, and again raise questions as to whether Comcast is throttling video.
fcc finally delves into netflixisp squabble calls for peering documents thomas wheeler

FCC’s revisions would ban throttling, but leave paid ‘fast lanes’ open

The FCC today announced new revisions to its new net neutrality regulations, but pay-for-priority still alive and well.
fcc ip phone system tom wheeler

FCC chairman’s Net neutrality revisions may not be enough to silence dissent


Web-hosting service gives the FCC a taste of the Internet slow lane (and you can too!)


Google, Facebook, more than 100 other tech companies pressure FCC on net neutrality


Google, Facebook and Amazon blast the FCC’s Internet ‘fast lanes’ proposal

net neutrality finds new champion al franken alfranken

Net Neutrality finds new champion in Al Franken

white house wants immunity companies surrender data authorities obama

After pledging to fight for net neutrality, Obama needs to show the FCC who’s boss

eradicate net neutrality

New FCC proposal threatens to eradicate the open Internet

Jim Cicconi AT&T

AT&T to Netflix users: Stop mooching and pay up

AT&T fires back at Netflix CEO Reed Hastings' public denouncement of MSOs over net neutrality; but there's more to this story than corporate bickering.
Netflix logo

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings decries his own deal with Comcast, pleads for net neutrality

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings takes to the internet to denounce his deal to pay Comcast for higher connection speeds, pleading for net neutrality.

Netflix paying Comcast to solve speed issues

fcc finally delves into netflixisp squabble calls for peering documents thomas wheeler

FCC to bring net neutrality back from the dead with new ‘open Internet’ rules

The FCC said today that it plans to create new "network neutrality" rules that will keep Internet service providers from favoring certain types of traffic.
att mobility patent bad for net neutrality ralph

AT&T patents a new way to skirt net neutrality on its wireless network

tech issues obama state union sotu slide speaking

5 tech issues Obama should address in the 2014 State of the Union (but probably won’t)

In addition to health care and income inequality, there are a slew of technology issues President Obama should address during the 2014 State of the Union.
reed hastings says tv everywhere the key to beating netflix ces 2014

Will you speak up when ISPs strangle your Netflix? The company sure hopes so

Netflix doesn't seem too worried about the end of net neutrality. Maybe it should be.
fcc finally delves into netflixisp squabble calls for peering documents thomas wheeler

Court strikes down key FCC Net neutrality rules: What it means for you

The DC Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against the FCC's Open Internet rules.
verizon headquarters

Is Verizon trying to kill Netflix? It depends who you ask

Verizon is challenging the FCC's Open Internet rules that make net neutrality the law of the land – and if it wins, Netflix could be caught in the sights.
AT&T FaceTime vs FCC Net neutrality

AT&T called to task on FaceTime blocking, now what?

Everything you need to know about the AT&T FaceTime policy controversy.
fcc files net neutrality rules sets stage for legal fight

FCC net neutrality rules live on, after close Senate vote

new tool tells you when your isp is slowing down dan kaminsky

New tool tells you when your ISP is slowing you down

fcc files net neutrality rules sets stage for legal fight

FCC files net neutrality rules, sets stage for legal fight

Stephane Richard France Telecom Orange

Orange CEO confirms smaller SIM cards, thinner design for next-gen iPhone


Netflix now the largest source of Internet traffic in US

Comcast, global ISPs blocking The Pirate Bay? [UPDATE: Site is back up]

Comcast Logo

Comcast takes home broadband to 105 Mbps

WOW Cataclyms Worgen Concept Art

Canadian ISP Rogers throttles World of Warcraft

House Marks Up Climate Change Bill

Congress delivers another blow to net neutrality

House votes to block net neutrality bill