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Gamers! Join us in the Digital Trends group on Steam

We've launched a Digital Trends group on Steam. It's just a Curator feed of game recommendations for now, but we're open to planning some fun stuff with you.
sunset overdrive e3 hands on preview amusement

Sunset Overdrive’s live action trailer has a message: Do not try at home

Insomniac Games released a strange, live-action trailer for its strange, open world Xbox One exclusive, Sunset Overdrive.

WWE 2K15 trailer serves up a first look at gameplay and an expanded roster

This latest trailer for WWE 2K15 offers up a first look at the gameplay in the series' current-gen debut as well as a deeper peek at the roster of fighters.
valve expands steam with linux support and non gaming apps s comes to  gets

Steam now makes it easier to find new games and share your faves

Valve's new Steam Discovery Update gives the company's digital distribution service an upgrade that's aimed at exposing users to a wider array of games.
week gaming fan favorites come shapes sizes fifa 15

This week in gaming: Fan favorites come in all shapes and sizes

FIFA 15, Gauntlet, Hyrule Warriors, and Disney Infinity highlight a busy week of video game releases as the holiday season kicks into high gear.
destiny review 10

Destiny’s best spot for grabbing loot is also a lot of fun

It turns out that the absolute best location to farm up some sweet gear in Destiny is in the game's lowest-level combat zone, Old Russia on Earth.
The Sims 4 screenshot 7

The Sims 4 review

The Sims 4's oddball real life simulator is new and improved for sure, but issues with the early game and the content regression after all of the DLC for The Sims 3 makes for a less-than-stellar launch.
next oculus rift headset adds headphones expands motion tracking vr  crescent bay

The next Oculus Rift headset adds headphones, expands motion tracking

Oculus VR revealed the latest version of its Rift virtual reality headset, the Crescent Bay prototype, which improves overall performance and adds an audio solution.
kojima silent hills removed street scene

Never sleep again after watching this Silent Hill concept trailer

A concept trailer for P.T., the "playable teaser" for what we now know to be Silent Hills, made an appearance at Tokyo Game Show, and it's a creepy good time.
Lichdom Battlemage screenshot 1

Lichdom Battlemage review

Indie newcomer Xaviant's Lichdom: Battlemage shows lots of promise, with a novel approach to shooter gameplay and an impressively deep spellcrafting system, but it suffers from uneven pacing during its 20-hour journey.
Destiny review

Destiny’s vehicles get the spotlight in Combined Arms

Bungie's Combined Arms playlist is a weekend special for the Crucible multiplayer mode that pits teams of six against one another in vehicle-strewn environments.
battleborn beautiful mash ideas need see 004

Battleborn co-op campaign footage clears up lots of questions

Take a first peek at Gearbox Software's Battleborn in this new video showcasing some of the game's many characters in the five-player cooperative campaign.
anticipated games 2014 d4

Deadly Premonition director’s D4 comes to Xbox One sooner than you think

D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, the latest game from Deadly Premonition director Swery, is set to arrive for Xbox One on September 19, 2014.

Learn everything about Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel in 10 minutes, with lots of shouting

Want to know everything there is to know about Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel? Check out this awesome new video.

Battleborn is a beautiful mash-up of ideas, but we need to see more

Gearbox Software's Battleborn is certainly pretty and well-stocked with seemingly interesting characters, but many questions remains about the game's direction.
looks like destinys getting higher level cap new gear harder strikes december destiny screen

Prepare to die 200 times in Destiny’s first raid

The stats for one of the first successful playthroughs of Destiny's 6-player co-op raid are in, and it's looking pretty challenging.
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NHL 15 review

EA Canada draws a major game misconduct penalty in NHL 15's opening minutes, with a half-baked current-gen edition that feels inferior to its last-gen sibling in almost every way.
destinys vault glass 6 player raid now live will destroy destiny  of

Destiny’s ‘Vault of Glass’ 6-player raid is now live, and it will destroy you

The first 6-player cooperative raid for Destiny, titled Vault of Glass, is now live. It's got a recommended level 26 rating, but that's not a requirement.
destiny review 10 1 guardians shot

‘Destiny’ review

Destiny is immensely fun to play in the moment, a product of its Halo lineage, but it suffers considerably around the long game.
microsoft confirms acquisition minecraft dev mojang xbox

Microsoft buys Minecraft, and the developer behind the blocks

The rumors are true: Microsoft confirms its acquisition of Minecraft developer Mojang.
week gaming world takes breath 2014s first blockbuster arrives murasaki baby

This week in gaming: The gaming world takes a breath after 2014’s first blockbuster arrives

A rundown of the video game releases for the week ending September 19. Promising favorites include the oddball PS Vita art game Murasaki Baby and the similarly oddball puzzle/reflex game, Roundabout.
alien isolation set halloween debut

Alien: Isolation’s message of the day? Running is death

Running equals death in the cat-and-mouse hunt that the Creative Assembly put together for Sega's Alien: Isolation.
elite dangerous launch trailer flies danger zone

Here’s how much you’ll spend to explore the galaxy of Elite: Dangerous

Frontier Developments sets a $60 price for Elite: Dangerous, with a $50 pre-order package for the space trading/exploration game.
assassins creed unity screen

Check out how a co-op heist plays out in Assassin’s Creed Unity

This new video look at Assassin's Creed Unity highlights one of the game's co-op heist missions, which task players with infiltrating an area and stealing an item, all without being seen.
grand theft auto 5 comes ps4 xbox one november pc january gta5 xb1 v2

Grand Theft Auto 5 comes to PS4 and Xbox One in November, PC in January

Rockstar Games confirms a November 18, 2014 PS4/Xbox One release date for Grand Theft Auto V, with a PC release to follow in January 2015.
destiny getting started guide art

Dominate Destiny with these hard-won tips and tricks [updated 12/22/2014]

Here's a rundown of the basic systems and how they work in Bungie's Destiny, along with a lineup of helpful tips that you might have overlooked or not known about even if you're a pro already.
destiny review yet heres think far impressions 7

How does Destiny’s Xbox 360 release compare to the Xbox One version?

A video peek at the visual differences that set the Xbox 360 version of Destiny apart from the Xbox One version.
nhl 15 comparison

Here’s NHL 15 on Xbox 360 and Xbox One running side-by-side

We hold up the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of NHL 15 up against one another as a visual demonstration of the power disparity between the two consoles.
madden nfl 15s tiny titan speaks hes adorable 15

Madden NFL 15’s Tiny Titan speaks! And he’s adorable!

EA Sports releases a mockumentary short that chronicles the life and times of Madden NFL 15's one and only Tiny Titan.
destiny screenshot gallery warehouse battle

This week in gaming: Your Destiny awaits…

Video game releases for the week ending September 12 are all about one thing: Destiny.
theres new world record setting high scorer donkey kong arcade

There’s a new world record-setting high scorer in Donkey Kong

There's a new world record high score for Donkey Kong, and it was set by newcomer Robbie Lakeman, who's been chasing this achievement for more than two years.
celebrate 2014s sunday football kickoff madden nfl 15s giferator

Celebrate 2014’s Sunday football kickoff with Madden NFL 15’s GIFerator

EA Sports launches the Madden GIFerator website, which uses Madden 15 to turn big NFL plays into GIFs. Fans can also use the website to create GIFs of their own.
the walking dead scandal twitter amc

AMC greenlights pilot for a not-spinoff to The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead universe on AMC is about to get a little bit bigger, with the network having greenlit a pilot set in the same zombie apocalypse but following a different set of characters.
nba live 15 delayed october 28

NBA Live 15 trailer offers up a highlight reel first look at gameplay

Get your first peek at the gameplay in EA Tiburon's NBA Live 15, out October 7, in this newly released trailer.