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PlayStation 5 to outsell Xbox Series X by 2-to-1 margin, research firm predicts

The PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X are ready to go head-to-head in this year’s holiday season, but a research firm has already predicted the winner of the next-generation console war.

DFC Intelligence forecasts the PlayStation 5 outselling the Xbox Series X by a 2-to-1 margin, and predicts that Sony’s next-generation console will eventually break through the milestone of 100 million units sold.

“Microsoft is trying its best with Xbox Series X, but the past few months have revealed they are just too far behind Sony. Consumer brand preference is strongly towards PlayStation. As a piece of hardware there is nothing Xbox Series X is doing to change that perception,” wrote DFC Intelligence.

Other factors pointed out by the research firm contributing to its prediction include the lack of presence in Japan and weak presence in Europe for the Xbox, Sony’s strength in its distribution of consumer electronics, and the scaled-back ambitions to focus on short-term sales instead of long-term vision.

“However, Microsoft may have the long-term winning battle plan,” wrote DFC Intelligence, as the company has been working on a strategy that goes beyond its consoles.

PlayStation 5 vs. Xbox Series X

Many factors concerning the upcoming battle between the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X remain unknown, including their price tags and supply. In addition, it is unknown how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect the launch of the next-generation consoles.

Sony looks like it has won over the gaming community with what has so far been revealed for the PlayStation 5, but Microsoft may be looking at the longer-term with its emphasis on the Game Pass subscription service and the xCloud game streaming service.

Whether DFC Intelligence’s predictions come true remains to be seen, but what is known is that fans of both consoles are already excited to make the jump to the next generation.

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