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how to view instagram stories on your computer laptop

How to view Instagram Stories on your computer

Stories can give you insightful glimpses into others' lives. Here's how to feed your addiction and view Instagram Stories on your computer through the website.
Instagram app showing a post about mental health

Coronavirus isolation fuels surge in mental health posts on Instagram

Instagram users are turning to the platform to share their struggles with mental health as the ongoing coronavirus spreads, keeping millions of people indoors.
small businesses scramble to get online as coronavirus spreads uk government advises public avoid theatre  pubs and more due

Small businesses scramble to get online as coronavirus spreads

Retailers and restaurants without any prior online ordering infrastructure are betting on their loyal customer bases to keep them afloat amid the coronavirus.
how to spot misinformation about coronavirus twitter

As coronavirus myths infect social media, WHO joins TikTok to inject truth

The World Health Organization is aiming to fight back against coronavirus misinformation by joining TikTok.
Pope Francis

Pope Francis’ call to end trolling on social media leads to more trolling

Pope Francis once embraced social media. Now he's calling on his followers to give it up. As expected, social media users have fought back with more trolling.
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5 alternatives to Instagram and Facebook for photographers

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter changed the way we share our photographs. But as photographers become more frustrated with algorithms and ads, it might be time to consider some alternatives.
Jimmy Wales speaking

What does it take to make a social media network that doesn’t exploit users?

Social media sites can be fun and silly but also grab all your data to keep you hooked. Some sites want to be a refuge from harassment but haven't caught on the way Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok have. Is there a way to be both popular and good?
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey at CES 2019

Hey @Jack Dorsey, decentralizing Twitter won’t solve hate speech problems

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has floated a compelling possibility: He wants to put together a team to explore decentralizing Twitter. But this could mean that Dorsey is simply trying to shunt off responsibility for Twitter’s persistent problems with harassment and abuse on the platform.
how to get followers on instagram 1

Instagram will begin hiding like counts as part of a U.S. test next week

Instagram continues to tweak its user experience, recently making changes such as removing the following tab and promoting the new version of the explore tab in its place. Now, the company has begun testing out one of its most controversial changes in the United States: Hiding like counts.
protestor wearing anonymous mask

The 2019 Freedom on The Net report says social media is ruining everything

The internet today is pretty far from the utopian place that it was in the past, the Freedom on the Net 2019 report by bipartisan watchdog and think tank Freedom House suggests. And social media may be what's to blame. Here's why it's causing so many problems for citizens.
Mitt Romney

Don’t be like Pierre Delecto. Here’s how to keep your Twitter account a secret

Not everyone is social media savvy, but that shouldn't bar them from the delights of having a secret Twitter account. Unfortunately for Mitt Romney, the Utah Senator's secret Twitter account, under the name Pierre Delecto, was discovered. Here are some tips for keeping your social media accounts secret.
Josh Hawley

New bill would make it easier for you to get off Facebook once and for all

A new bipartisan bill aims to make it easier for you to transfer your social media data to other social media platforms, so you might finally be able to get off of Facebook. Called the Access Act, the bill applies to online platforms with products or services that have over 100 million monthly active users.
facebook independent oversight board mark zuckerberg  viva tech start up

Facebook details plans to combat election interference on the platform

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg held a conference call on Monday to discuss abuse and election interference on the platform. He detailed a number of different initiatives the social network has implemented and is launching to help prevent interference in the 2020 presidential election.
social media propaganda global disinformation study 2019 kayla velasquez 6xjl5 xq4g4 unsplash

You’re probably seeing more social media propaganda, but don’t blame the bots

As the amount of social media propaganda climbs, so does the number of different tactics to avoid detection. A recent study from the University of Oxford suggests that more countries use social media accounts run by actual people — including communication firms and hired students — than bots.

How to download Instagram Stories on iOS, Android, and desktop

Curious about how to save someone's Instagram Story to your phone? Luckily for you, it can be done -- but it does take a few extra steps. Here's what you need to know to save Instagram Stories on both iOS and Android. Each requires a different app, but the steps are straightforward from there.
TikTok's Logo

TikTok’s creepy new feature lets you search for videos based on people’s faces

You’ll soon be able to look up the faces featured in a TikTok clip. The Bytedance-owned short-form video app is testing a new reverse-image search tool in China. In addition to items such as clothes, the feature will allow you to select a face and browse other videos the person it belongs to appears in.

Kik Messenger shuts down as Kik focuses on embattled cryptocurrency

Kik Interactive's CEO has announced that Kik Messenger will be shutting down in order for Kik to focus on its Kin cryptocurrency. The app shutdown will be accompanied by over 100 layoffs at Kik Interactive, and both actions are meant to bolster Kik's finances against in impending court case against the U.S. SEC.
Facebook Logo

Period-tracking apps are sharing people’s intimate data with Facebook

Some period-tracking apps are reportedly sending Facebook personal information about the women who use them. The apps MIA Fem and Maya sent information about contraception use, when women's monthly periods were, and whether or not they experienced symptoms like cramps swelling to the social network. 
Zuckerberg Testimony Congress

Facebook likely knew about Cambridge Analytica much earlier than we thought

Newly-released emails suggest that Facebook knew that Cambridge Analytica was gathering user profile data three months before the press revealed that the firm was using profile data to target voters during the 2016 elections.
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Here’s yet another reason why Facebook’s Libra might never happen

Some of the early backers of Facebook’s Libra currency might be looking to distance themselves from the project. At least three of the project’s founding backers are concerned about the regulatory spotlight on the project, since governments around the world have called on Facebook to either slow down or stop it entirely.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

The EU could hit Facebook with billions in fines over privacy violations

The European Union is reportedly nearing the end of its investigations into some of the cases it has opened against Facebook pertaining to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR. The EU currently has 11 open cases against the social network operator.
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How to post a GIF on Instagram

Instagram doesn't have a direct means for sharing GIFs on your profile. With Giphy and Stories, it's finally possible to post GIFs to Instagram. Here's how
How to Watch Trump State of the Union

Trump’s FCC order could make social media even more of a garbage fire

A new draft executive order from the White House would put the Federal Communications Commission in charge of deciding what social media companies like Twitter and Facebook can remove from their sites. President Donald Trump's potential order could fundamentally change how social media companies operate.
FBI Investigation

The FBI wants to get its hands on your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram data

The FBI is looking for a partner to collect data from your social media profiles, which could pit it against new privacy policies Facebook agreed to as part of its $5 billion settlement with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). 
Josh Hawley

Sen. Josh Hawley wants to ban infinite scroll and autoplay videos

Sen. Josh Hawley introduced legislation on Tuesday calling for tech giants to curb deceptive techniques that fuel social media addiction.The Social Media Addiction Reduction Technology (SMART) Act would ban certain features that he says can be addictive to users like infinite scroll and autoplay.
Facebook News Feed

Facebook now allows you to opt out of those ads that target your tastes

Tired of seeing Facebook ads that aren’t relevant to you? Now you can not only opt out of ads from that company, but you can also see why the ad was shown to you in the first place. However, there's still no "opt out of all ads" button quite yet.
LGBT Dating Apps

The best dating sites for 2019

Finding love is anything but easy. No worries. There are dozens of sites online to hook you up with "The One." With so many site options, though, diving into the deep end can be daunting. Luckily, we're here to help. Check out our finds for the best online dating sites.
Josh Hawley

A new Senate bill would fundamentally change the internet as we know it

A new bill in the U.S. Senate could cause the internet as we know it to cease to exist by holding major tech companies like Facebook or YouTube liable for anything posted on their platforms. The proposal could destroy social media as we know it, experts said
how to use Instagram Stories

How to link Instagram to Facebook

Instagram and Facebook are built to work with one another, though, learning how to properly integrate the two can be confusing. Thankfully, with just the press of a few buttons, you'll soon be posting and sharing photos across the web with greater ease. Here's how to get started.
senate hearing terrorism and social media extremist content january 2018 ios reading list header

The U.S. will now check social media accounts before approving visas

The application for a U.S. visa now requires most applicants to list their social media profile details, along with previous emails and phone numbers. Previously, the information was only required from some applicants. Individuals that don't have social media accounts can still apply.
spotify social listening shared playlists song queues small

Spotify’s secret Social Listening feature could create global listening parties

In what appears to be a secret feature available only to internal employees, Spotify is experimenting with Social Listening, letting friends invite one another to collaborate on music queues in real time both in person or from anywhere in the world. Could this lead to synchronized music parties on a global scale?
ev williams kara swisher social media collision 2019 20190521 115023

Twitter co-founder Ev Williams still wants to save the world

Social media has led to a mental health crisis in Gen Z and a rise in hate speech. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel, according to Ev Williams, the co-founder of Twitter and Medium. But weaning ourselves off today's social media won't be easy, he told Kara Swisher at the Collision conference.
how to manage multiple Instagram accounts

How to manage multiple Instagram accounts

Whether you own a small business or have separate Instagram accounts for your five cats, you may be wondering how to easily switch between your accounts. Since 2017, switching between Instagram accounts couldn't be easier. We'll walk you through the process on your Apple or Android devices.
how to manage multiple Instagram accounts

How to save Instagram videos

Wish you could save your favorite Instagram videos to watch over and over again? We know it's easy to screenshot your favorite Instagram photos, but saving a video can be a little more complicated. Here are six simple ways to save videos from Instagram onto your phone or computer.