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rdio devices

Rdio launches free streaming music promotion in 14 new countries

Samsung to expand Music Hub service to rivals’ hardware

Samsung seems to be making a play to out-stream competitors like Slacker and Spotify as it expands its Music Hub service beyond its own devices.
Kickstarter for bands

Is Kickstarter a band’s path to total creative freedom, or just a lazy shortcut?

Big Boi

Rappers Big Boi, B.o.B. join Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel

Furthering the Army of Two franchise's obsession with unexpected references to the world of hip hop, EA has announced that B.o.B. and Outkast's Big Boi will appear in the upcoming Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel.

Spotify announces major changes to help users find new music, adds Metallica

hands on with the new myspace

Hands on: Have you heard about this new Myspace thing? It just might work …

We go hands on with the new Myspace, a bold reinterpretation of the social network we all once loved ... and then hated. Can this overhaul win us back?
LetsListen room

LetsListen marries music with Google hangouts and invites SoundCloud tracks to the party

spotify vs pandora

Radio wars: Can the new Spotify feature challenge Pandora’s legacy?

You could be the next hologram to dance at Usher’s upcoming concert

Social jukebox

This homemade turntable is how to make Spotify social

Blood, sweat and tape How music gets made

Blood, sweat and tape: How music gets made

spotify wall

Spotify extends free, unlimited listening period in the United States


Can pay-what-you-want downloads save the music industry?

A few reasons to love Spotify’s new gapless playback and crossfade features

Hands on with OT Turtle Shell wireless boombox

Hands on and pictures of Outdoor Technology’s Turtle Shell wireless boombox

Outdoor Technology's rocks us with a preview of its OT Rocks wireless earbuds

Outdoor Technology’s rocks us with a preview of its OT Rocks touch interface, wireless earbuds


Paradigm introduces three new types of earbuds for its SHIFT line at CES

Could music stream ripping software put Spotify and other music services at major risk?

Mogees mini mic turns any hard surface into a music-making touch interface

amplify your ipod with the trumstand speaker dock in gold

Amplify your iPod with the Trumstand speaker dock


Autobot Ukulele: Musicbots in disguise

DT Music Pick: The Black Keys


Survey: Most young adults go online for ‘no particular reason’

Bose IQ concept offers a solution for party goers varied musical taste

Sonos caught slacking: Slacker radio now available for Sonos wireless systems

spotify joins the apps business unveils new music app platform

Spotify joins the apps business: unveils new music app platform

DT Music Pick: Bernhoft

Spotify is heading in a new direction starting November 30


Hands on with iTunes Match: A step in the right direction, with a few downsides

google music 1

Google Music is open for business


Gibson Firebird X review: A digital guitar for the 21st century

google music free song of the day

Google Music screenshots leak ahead of release

iPod Classic

How To: Sync an iPod without deleting your music (on PCs)


Ruggedly Sleek: Yamaha PDX-11 portable iPod speaker system