Mobile gaming has come a long way in the past few years, and now we can finally enjoy big RPGs on our smartphones. Here are some of the best to play right now.
Billionaires tell us app stores are stifling choice and suppressing free speech, rallying us against them. Ignore it all, because app stores are great for us.
India's competition watchdog has slapped Google with two fines, each worth over $100 million. But it's the orders that truly hurt, and Apple might be next.
More ads may be coming to the App Store for the holidays, but there's no need to fear that it will ruin the App Store experience. It might even improve it.
Apple seems to have embarked on a new round of purging apps from its App Store, specifically those that have been left untouched by developers for a long time.
Our tradition of giving physical gifts creates an enormous amount of waste. That’s why this year (and beyond) we should all consider giving software as a gift.