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Cloud storage for downloading an isometric. A digital service or application with data transmission. Network computing technologies. Futuristic Server. Digital space. Data storage.

The Interplanetary File System: How you’ll store files in the future

The Interplanetary File System is a radical new file storage protocol that could potentially lead to a tectonic shift in how information is stored on the web.
nyc mesh guerrilla internet network screen shot 2022 02 20 at 5 53 39 am

Internet guerrillas: Inside the DIY broadband revolution with NYC Mesh


How a well-timed hashtag made Juneteenth an official holiday for millions

internet 18th century style map

This is the entire internet, visualized as an 18th-century map of the world

Life on mars: A Cosmological Commute Feature

A cosmological commute: The tricky logistics of putting people on Mars

brain network on veins illustration

A.I. doesn’t usually forget anything, but Facebook’s new system does. Here’s why

Life on Mars - Cosmic Comms - Featured Image

Cosmic comms: How the first humans on Mars will communicate with Earth

NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 crew members are seen seated in the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft during crew equipment interface training.

SpaceX’s historic Crew-1 mission in pictures

life on mars: perfecting propulsion feature

Perfecting propulsion: How we’ll get humans to Mars

Life on Mars: Staying Sane - Astro Psychology

Astropsychology: How to stay sane on Mars

Life on Mars Castles Made of Sand

Castles made of sand: How we’ll make habitats with Martian soil

zach king computer screen illusion

An interview with Zach King, the internet’s favorite illusionist

Extraterrestrial Energy Life on Mars

Power plants on other planets: How we’ll generate electricity on Mars

The first Mars explorers will need electricity to survive -- but how do you generate power on a dusty planet where solar energy is in short supply?
Artificial Atmospheres: How we’ll build a base on Mars

Artificial atmospheres: How we’ll build a base with breathable air on Mars

How will we make oxygen on Mars? To get the scoop, we spoke with experts from NASA and MIT who are building a plan to make it happen.
girl using phone with headphones

Silicon Valley is racing to build an audio-only internet, and I hope it succeeds

I used audio-based apps like Clubhouse as my main source of media for a week, and now I'm convinced they're the future of the internet.
HACKtheMACHINE event 2020

The Navy wants you to hack into its systems. But of course, there’s a catch

Hacking into the U.S. Navy's computer systems is a surefire way to get yourself in trouble -- unless you do it during this upcoming hackathon.
harvesting hydration on mars

Harvesting hydration: How future settlers will create and collect water on Mars

Mars looks like a dry, inhospitable desert. So where will explorers get water from? We spoke to three experts to find out.
NTF: Non-fungible token Illustration

NFTs and the explosive rebirth of artificial scarcity

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are booming right now. Why? Because unlike most digital items, they're artificially limited. Here's why that changes everything.
Life on Mars Astro Agriculture Feature

Astroagriculture: How we’ll grow crops on Mars

If we ever hope to keep astronauts alive on Mars for a long-term visit, we'll need to figure out how to grow crops in Martian soil. Is such a thing possible?
brain network on veins illustration

Facebook’s new image-recognition A.I. is trained on 1 billion Instagram photos

Facebook has developed a powerful new image-recognition A.I. that's trained on over a billion public Instagram images. It could be a game changer
colorize bot twitter colorized bw photo 1

Summon this amazing Twitter bot to colorize your black-and-white photos

Colorizing black-and-white photos used to require hours of skilled work from a trained human, but this A.I. powered Twitter bot can make it happen in seconds.
wrinkled graphene moores law blue circuit board

Moore’s law is reaching its limits. Could graphene circuits help?

The number of transistors that chipmakers can pack into an integrated circuit is reaching the upper limit of what's possible. Wrinkled graphene could fix that.
Chrome Smartphone stock image

Google has an ingenious plan to kill cookies — but there’s one big drawback

Cookies are a privacy nightmare for all of us, but Google's plan to eradicate them could cause just as many problems as it solves.
Mar's Jezero Crater

Why the Jezero Crater is the most exciting place on Mars

Why is NASA landing a multibillion dollar Mars rover in Jezero Crater? What makes this tiny pockmark on the Red Planet so interesting?

The future of Facebook is Instagram

As Facebook itself slowly declines, Facebook Inc. is seemingly shifting its focus to Instagram and using the platform to test new ideas and approaches.
An illustration of NASA’s Perseverance rover as it fires up its descent stage engines

7 minutes of terror: A breakdown of Perseverance’s insane Mars landing sequence

NASA's incredible multipart landing sequence for the Perseverance rover involves a parachute, a jetpack, and a contraption called a skycrane.
teachers thriving coronavirus us health virus teacher

Inside job: Why Zoombombing isn’t as random as you might think

A recent study suggests that most zoombombing is carried out by insiders, not necessarily by nefarious outsiders looking to stir up trouble.
tiktok logo

TikTok users are exposing realities of gig work, and Big Tech can’t stop them

Gig economy platforms like Uber, Instacart, and Postmates spend millions of dollars every year circumventing bad press. But they can't stop TikTok users.
lab grown wood lignin biochemistry

Lab-grown wood? Sounds crazy, but it could be a game-changer for the planet

Growing wood in a lab might sound silly, but if we can figure out how to do it at scale, it could help cut back on deforestation in a big way.
disabled activists organize online social media

Filter bubbles are ruining the internet. This algorithm pops them

Social media algorithms, which tend to expose users to things they'll like, have made the internet more insular and divided. Here's how It might be fixed.
Drew Prindle and DT CES staffers with Jonathan Goldsmith

Raging celebs, impromptu weddings, and more of our best CES war stories

Hors d'oeuvres with B-list celebs, food poisoning, and midnight benders. In a town renowned for excess, CES always brings out the craziest experiences.
brainco dexus prosthetic arm

CES award winners: Where are they now?

Before CES 2021, let’s take a look back at the gear we’ve highlighted from the last decade to see when we picked the marvels … and when we’ve missed the magic.
spacex blue origin moon lander nasa artemis mission

Why are we going to the moon again? NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren explains

NASA has plans to send astronauts to the moon again. But why? What's the goal? We spoke with astronaut Kjell Lindgren to get a breakdown.
spacexs historic crew dragon mission in pictures interior

2020 was full of giant leaps for mankind’s return to crewed space missions

In 2020, humanity laid the foundation for an exciting new era. Thanks to these breakthroughs and major milestones, manned space travel is set for a comeback.

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