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Latest by Molly McHugh

Amazon halts 3DS sales while investigating complaints


Rumor: Fully integrated voice control coming to iPhone 5

Facebook iPad app wrapped up inside iPhone app; UPDATE: Facebook blocks the app

white ipod touch

White iPod Touch images surface

Google+…minus women, kids, and businesses

Yahoo’s desperation for Hulu will outweigh Apple’s interest

US government gives BlackBerry’s PlayBook the okay

Camera accessories for the great outdoors

Microsoft pays tribute to Star Wars with limited edition Xbox 360

google acquires fridge for easier circles on the way url

Google acquires Fridge for Google+, easier Circles on the way?

Mac OS X Lion wants to reverse how you scroll – and we don’t like it

panasonic announces the lumix dmc fz47 and ls5 fz100k

Panasonic announces the Lumix DMC-FZ47 and DMC-LS5

google labs

Saying Goodbye to Google Labs: A look back at our favorite experiments

Hands-on with the Google+ app for iPhone

Google+ for the iPhone impressions. Like Google+, the app has a simple setup and easily gives you a comfortable mobile experience

Rumor: TechCrunch’s Arrington launching Crunchfund investment firm

Samsung to launch Galaxy S II for US consumers next month

Boba Fett to get his own movie?

Samsung camera patent focuses on refocusing

16 alleged US Anonymous members arrested

proust a social network for self reflection

Proust: A social network for self-reflection

Samsung boots Smart Cases, avoids more Apple litigation

Sears accidentally lists iPad 2 for $69 – cue hoard of unhappy customers

Why Google+ kicked out William Shatner


How to search Google+


Saving cash on college textbooks: E-book rental services compared

Amazon introduces Kindle textbook rentals

What you can export from Facebook and how

Amazon tablet: What should we expect?

Insiders take on the EA-PopCap acquisition

how google is wreaking havoc on our memory skills url

How Google is wreaking havoc on our memory skills

spotify wins european tech start up 100 award founders logo

Spotify tested: Does Europe’s Pandora live up to the rave reviews?

What’s next for Google+

Spotify to announce its US launch tomorrow

WSJ: Amazon tablet due in October