Whether you want to be free of Facebook forever or just need a break from it, we've got you covered. Here's how to delete or deactivate your Facebook account.
Setting up 2FA, or Two Factor Authentication, on Reddit will help you protect your account in the event of a site breach. Here's how to get it up and running.
Heard of Reddit? Here's our guide to "the front page of the internet" and all of the amazing things you can see and learn on the beloved social platform.
Don't like how your BeReal post looks? You can delete it. In this guide, we'll show you how and go over what else you should know about deleting BeReal posts.
BeReal is a fairly new social media app, and if you're wondering what it's about and how it's different from other social media platforms, check out this guide.
Twitter Blue is a subscription service that gives users access to premium features. In this quick guide, we'll take a closer look at what it has to offer.
Are you looking for something specific on Twitter? You'll probably want to use its Advanced Search tool. Here's how to access it on a PC or on a mobile device.
If you're looking to boost the engagement you receive on your Instagram posts, you'll need to know the best time to post them. Here's how to figure that out.
Trying to figure the most optimal time to post on Facebook for maximum exposure? It's a complicated answer, but we can help point you in the right direction.
Constantly saving others' Pinterest Pins to your boards but have never made your own? We can show you how to create your own Pins on the mobile app or the web.