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Oreé introduces a wooden touchpad so get your bandages ready

If you can get over the idea of dragging your fingers over a piece of wood, Oreé has released wooden touchpad that actually works. And that's pretty cool.

Why use one clunky Roomba when you can enlist an army of tiny cleaning drones?

A concept from the Electrolux Design Lab imagines a cleaning system that enlists an army of tiny drones to clean all areas of your room at the same time.
ipad apple expected to unveil refreshed tablets on october 22 5 leak

Video claiming to show iPad 5 parts reveals design very similar to Mini

yahoo unveils new whimsical logo old

Yahoo unveils new ‘whimsical’ logo with dancing exclamation point

Spanish restaurant hacks a sandwich press to bake ‘hot’ ice cream. Say what?

The ice cream brioche at one Catalonian restaurant is made using a reconfigured sandwich press to bake bread with an ice cream scoop waiting inside.

Motion-controlled ‘Area’ light is the 21st century Clapper

See ya, Clappers, this German-designed lamp allows users to determine how much light they want by placing their fingers under areas they need lit.

This flat, ‘deconstructed’ printer design aims to eliminate paper jams

Designer Mugi Yamamoto has given printers a fresh makeover with the Stack which eliminates all the bulky parts down to one tray that needs no paper load.
blow everyone away literally with the quirky 360 omnidirectional fan

Blow everyone away – literally – with the Quirky 360 fan

Rather than waiting for a traditional fan to oscillate and come back to you in a few seconds, the Quirky 360 fan will blow air in every direction.
your next end table is just one download away from this open source collection opendesk

Your next end table is just one download away from this open source collection

If you're sick of shopping around for the right furniture in your home, now you can just download a design and get the parts sent to you for assembly.

NASA-engineered Airocide makes air as clean as Mother Nature intended

Now you can own a piece of NASA technology with the Airocide, one of the most efficient and complex air filtration systems on the market.

Motorized ‘For Rent’ sign stalks pedestrians until they give it some love

For Sale, For Rent... signs all look the same. It's why one artist installed a motion-detection camera so the signs can follow pedestrians until they look.

Self-expiring medicine packet changes its look after the drugs have gone bad

A doctor-designer duo have designed a new drug packaging to remind consumers of the dangers of taking expired pills.

DuPont and PMA aims to make everything a wireless charging surface, even kitchen tops

Apple can keep toying with new charging cable designs, but two companies are working together so that wires would forever be a thing of the past.

If buttons are all it takes for bedding to be ‘smart,’ I’d rather be dumb

New Kickstarter project "Smart Bedding" wants to help cut the time to takes to make beds in half. That is, if you must sleep with a top sheet.

Grow your own furniture with just a dash of water

Instead of wasting your precious day by shopping at Ikea, use those 24 hours to grow your own furniture - no allen wrench required.

Stoves Richmond Mini Range Cookers will excite the retro lover in you

If your cooking is as colorful as your personality, why not model your kitchen to match both with the Stoves Richmond Mini range cookers?

Eye+ digital window makes its display on Kickstarter

A few months after the concept emerged on the Web, Eye+ digital window display has launched on Kickstarter so you can fake any view from your room.

Live where you shower with the Axor WaterDream lamp

The Axor WaterDream collection features an interesting decor that's both a shower head and a lamp. Is living where you shower a thing now?

Egg Minder smart tray lets you remotely check the freshness of your eggs

In its recent partnership with GE, design company Quirky has unveiled the Egg Minder: A Wi-Fi tray that lets you check egg freshness right on your phone.

Hearth Lounge heated outdoor furniture keeps you warm under the stars

Curl up on the Hearth Lounge Helios bench and let this heated outdoor furniture warm you up without bringing a Snuggie along.

Take your anger out of doing chores via the Manual Trash Compactor

For those who don't own built-in garbage disposal units, this manual trash compactor could be an ideal solution to doubling garbage capacity.

Adobe releases subscription-based Creative Cloud to a design-hungry public

Adobe has finally released the Creative Cloud. And although there's been scrutiny about its pricing plan and subscription design, it packs a lot of content
relax wannabe designers ios 7 will succeed despite your icon tantrums art snobs header

Relax, wannabe designers: iOS 7 will succeed despite your icon tantrums

Offline Glass fights back against your antisocial smartphone addiction

For those who are sick of going to bars with friends who can't put their phones down, the Offline Glass is here to prevent that from happening.
nsa hideous slides

The most offensive thing about PRISM? That horrible PowerPoint – so this guy redesigned it

PRISM has some ugly slides, but don't worry Parisian designer Emiland De Cubber has spruced it up a bit despite regardless of the program's purpose.

Hate the neon design of iOS 7? Check out the ‘Jony Ive Redesigns Things’ Tumblr

Apple's iOS 7 design showcases a lot of brightly colored gradient features, giving way for a new Tumblr account poking fun at designer Jony Ive's vision.

Floome is a stylish breathalyzer that will call a cab for your inebriated self

Floome is a brand new breathalyzer that not only offers extremely accurate blood alcohol level test results, but also a sleek design.

Sleek pocket lighter makes an age-old kitchen tool look cool

No one ever thinks to redesign a pocket lighter... until someone does and you realize, "How did we ever stick with this same old crap for so long?"
amazon unveils latest plans for seattle campus spheres

‘Visually reminiscent of a greenhouse’ – Amazon unveils latest plans for ‘whimsical’ Seattle campus

Easy, breezy, beautiful: A furniture collection made with wind power

Instead of using traditional factories, designer Merel Karhof headed to the Netherlands to use wind as a source to power her furniture-building machines.

This modular 8-in-1 table has never made us appreciate math more

A furniture equivalent of a swiss army knife, the D*Table looks like your average table but can transform into eight different shapes.

At three kilograms, you can lift this full-sized armchair with just one hand

Unveiled at Milan Design Week last month, the Membrane is a lightweight armchair that's versatile enough to move into any room.

Hey, look! HTC’s designer looks just like Apple’s Jony Ive

Nucleus modular wine rack connects like puzzle pieces

Wine lovers live in spaces big and small. That's why we're loving this modular wine rack that's made for everyone - no matter how small their apartment.