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Step inside Casa Jasmina, the smart home of the future that’s available for rent

airbnb neighbors courchevel 853de3ff

Should Airbnb be allowed to continue operations in New York and San Francisco?

The only thing more polarizing than Airbnb's new logo is the company's practices in terms of real estate prices in cities like New York and San Francisco.
airbnb price tip tool uses machine learning airbnb1

Airbnb’s new Price Tip is probably better than you at pricing listings

Airbnb's new Price Tip tool leverages machine learning to suggest the best price for your listings.
airbnb raffles off a stay in an adorable floating houseboat on the river thames

Airbnb raffles off a stay in an adorable floating houseboat on the River Thames

Airbnb, the California based company that helps connect travelers with local houses to rent while on vacation, is floating a house down the River Thames
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Airbnb now lets you rent rooms in Cuba, but hospitality industry has ways to go

Airbnb is expanding its operations to Cuba, but faces a number of legislative and infrastructural barriers.
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Tech companies condemn religious freedom legislation in Indiana and Arkansas

A group led by executives from Twitter, Airbnb, Tumblr, and LinkedIn called for legal protection for gays and lesbians under civil rights laws.
airbnb rental property beyondpricing beyond pricing

$100? $150? $200? This site tells you how much to rent your Airbnb property for

BeyondPricing uses proprietary software system to analyze rental market and provide data-based information on listing prices.
airbnb acquires lapka a sensor making company airbnb1

Yikes, people are charging a lot for Super Bowl home rentals

to rent or not the pros and cons of airbnb according experts courchevel bc67fbac

Spend the night dangling at 9,000 feet in this gondola turned Airbnb chalet

10 absurd vacation rentals jaggers villa bransons village bamboo gallery 4

The 10 most absurd vacation rentals, from Jagger’s villa to Branson’s village

From superyachts to island villas, there are plenty of crazy rentals out there. Check out some of the most unusual places available for rent.
Tesla Model S on Airbnb

Sleep in a Tesla Model S on Airbnb … yes, you read that correctly

A Tesla Model S is listed as a single bedroom on Airbnb in Phoenix for $85 a night. Will it make sleeping in a car cool?
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Stay at the Sydney Ikea, courtesy of Airbnb

airbnbs new ad campaign york city airbnb

Airbnb’s new ad campaign aims to convince New Yorkers it’s good for their city

Airbnb hopes to win over New Yorkers with a new ad campaign. The hotel-like room-renting service faces opposition from landlords, hotels, and lawmakers.
airbnbs new ad campaign york city airbnb

The NYC vs. Airbnb saga continues with a subpoena demanding user information

New York's beef with rental site Airbnb is not over. It wants data on users who are potential violators of a state law prohibiting short-term leases.
hotel airbnb

Is Airbnb really more affordable than a hotel? See for yourself

PriceEconomics settles the question of what's cheaper - Airbnb or a hotel - with a study proving that Airbnb is in most cases your best bet.
airbnb announces tool to help find emergency shelter for disaster victims response

Airbnb announces tool to help find emergency shelter for disaster victims

Airbnb fights for New York host against unclear ‘illegal hotels law’

Airbnb is fighting for a New York host who's being taken to court, saying that that the city's hotel laws need to evolve with the times.

Using Airbnb is now a crime in New York City

An Airbnb host lost his case in New York for renting his apartment through the service. Is this the end for Airbnb in the five boroughs?

Boatbound, the Airbnb for boats, is for people who really like spending money

For those tired of looking to Airbnb for an impulsive getaway, check out Boatbound - a new startup that'll let you rent yachts on a nightly rate.
Airbnb Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions: Airbnb makes everything your problem

hurricane relief hitman usc bashing staff picks 11 2

Hurricane relief, Hitman, and some good old-fashioned USC-bashing in this week’s Staff Picks

airbnb photogrpahy

Photography tips to turn your average Airbnb listing into vacationer-bait

Short of hiring a pro photographer to give your home a visual makeover, follow these tips and tricks to photograph your space like a pro.
san fran tech scene problem solving

Video: Tech’s finest propose how startups can fix San Francisco’s problems

Tech's leading minds in San Francisco, from Twitter to Jawbone, unveiled a promo video of how they'd improve the city, while plugging Prop E.
couchsurfing graphic

How CouchSurfing should use that new $15 million

Growing pains for the ‘sharing economy’ model: New York residents fight back against Airbnb renters

Airbnb introduces Wish Lists for vacation planning fantasies

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Silicon Valley VCs predict the top trends for 2012

Airbnb steps up its game with professional photos

This infographic helps protect yourself from Airbnb scammers

New initiative encourages the Airbnbs of the industry to keep customers safe

making amends airbnbs commitment to user safety sorry  airbnb

Making amends: Airbnb’s commitment to user safety

Why Airbnb’s future is in serious trouble


The Airbnb horror story continues


What you can learn from this Airbnb horror story